-groans- I swear. I HATE this piece of shit. I was RIGHT in the middle of something, something very important mind you, and it dies. DAMN INTERNET! >:O! I tried to get on for 4 fucking hours after that and still no luck. MOTHER FUKCER! I'm so friggin PISSED. If it messes up my storyline, I'm going to beat my computer with a bat. IT WAS THE WORST MOMENT EVER FOR IT TO CUT OUT! -grumbles and randomly beats things with her shoe- I HATE it.
-sings- I hate my computer, oh yes I do. I'm so fucking pissed, I'm hitting things with my shoe. And now I can't even sleep, because my mind is racing. I think I'll stay up half the night, stomping around and pacing. Oh yo ho ho my computer is an ass YO HO Ho HO All it does is crash.
Justin: I died on you. I'm SORRY :( You can't imagine how PISSED I was. -grumbles and throws shit at the wall-