And hah, I'm already booked to see it a third time this week :))
Two spontaneous applause this session: Han appears and when Anakin/Luke's lightsaber goes to Rey not Ren
Guy sitting next to me moaning "this muthafer" when threepio pops into frame between Han and Leia ruining their reunion
Apparently I accidentally spoiled Childhood Friend by making a noise when Han and Leia hugged when he left on Starkiller mission :(((
The Next seat guy and Childhood Friend both had hands covering mouth when Han died
Are you fucking serious! The next seat guy moans when the movie ends
CF thinks luke is evil because he has aged badly
We discussed Rey parentage -
Me: Dick move leaving your kid on a sand planet just cause you were left on a sand planet
CF:No one gets to grow up with their parents!
Me: Well look at Ben Solo cautionary tale
2nd viewing Kylo Ren looks even more like his grandparents - the moles are very Padme ;)
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