It was early in the morning when I finished writing down the dreams of the recent two days. I take my time, patiently waiting for the accurate account of the events in another dimension to surface. It's strange how some song can bring up details of a dream. I wouldn't have managed to recall all of them if it weren't for the music.
(The dream was originally written in Japanese)
Febr. 06: 先生、あなたもですか
―― 刑務所ではすでに10年が経っていた。私達囚人は刑務所オーケストラのグループをやっているらしく、私はその中でバイオリンを弾いている。私と友達になった髪の長い女性はフルートを吹いている。私たちはどうやらあの殺しで共謀したらしい。あの事件のことを誰かが口にすると、私達は楽器を落としてしまうほど狼狽する。するとグループの中年女性のリーダーが「こんなことに負けてちゃだめなのよ」と私達を励まそうとする。
二日目 - 学校のクラスで同じようなステージで劇をやることになる。皆で練習中だ。私は興味がないので張り切っている担任を無視して(これにもまったく興味がなかったけど)よくできた車のプラモデルを友人と眺めている。
夏なのかもしれない。上には大きな...橋?歩道橋...? 車が通っている気もする。昨日書いてたマンガのストーリーみたいに微妙に次元が歪んでいるのがわかる。とにかくがやがやしている。それでいて異次元にいる気がして淋しい。私はドクターの診療所に辿り着く。先生はお昼休みなのかもしれない。彼と話をしていて安心するかもしれないと思った。すると先生は一冊の本を取り出して私に見せる。それを見てショックだった。彼はその本の何人かいる共著者の一人で、そのうちの何人かは私の知っているキリスト教陰謀者達で、明らかに怪しい者達だった。 先生がそんな怪しいことにかかわっているはずがない。そんなこと信じたくない。彼ら陰謀者達は怪しい建築家達だ。人の家にどんな恐ろしいものを仕組んでいるのだろう。この世界の次元が歪んでいるのもこういった人達のしでかしたことなのでは?と考えている。いや、この歪みをうまく利用して何かを計画しているのだろう。混乱した社会は絶好の機会だ。運命の時までに沢山家を建てておくのだろう。
Brief summary-
For some reason a stranger and I were preparing for a Romeo and Juliet play in some exhibition in Holland. After the traditional dance performance of a Dutch girl, the stage gets dark all of a sudden. It was our turn. But then, the guy playing Romeo wanted me to perform something that wasn't included in the plot. I didn't want to confuse the audience but he wouldn't understand. He even decides to start practicing right on the stage when it was already our turn. Before I knew it I had already killed the Romeo guy in the back of the stage, only to be busted by a Sherlock Holmes type of man.
Already ten firiggin years have passed in prison. I am playing violine with others in a band we formed with other criminals. When someone speaks of anything about what I did ten years I go, I panic so badly that I drop my musical instrument on the ground. The band leader then says to me that I must not let this destroy me.
It may have been summer. Above me is a huge red bridge over the road. The moment I found myself there I knew the dimension in theis world was slightly distorted. The roads were crowded with people walking somehwere aimlessly. I hear usual city noises, only a bit more cheerful and at the same time zombie-like. There was certain feeling of loneliness, as if you are alone in a totally alien place.
I reach my doctor's place. We are sitting face to face, chatting frankly. I am comforted by his presence. He seemed like the only normal existence in this world. The next moment he pulls out a book to show me. His name is listed as one of the co-authors of this book. But it shocked me when I saw that his name was listed with the people I knew to be religious criminal conspitarors I knew. These people were evidently engaged in a clandestine architects' organization involved in inplanting dubious devices in the houses for their secret plan. It came to me that they were probably the culprits behind this distortion of the dimension. Or, they could just be taking advantage of this opportunity, waiting for the entire confused society to fall prey to their plans. It was impossible to believe my beloved doctor would get involved in anything so dubious. It can't be.
He then hands me a sheet of paper. A contract. Signing this paper would make me a formal advocate of the cult conspirators. My doctor encourages me to sign it, saying it's for his achitect friends. I signed it. When I went outside, to the same confused and crowded place under the bridge, my chest ached with panic and guilt. What have I done? Was my doctor really their pawn? He must've been deceived into it. Many people must've signed that paper already. The dimension continues to distort as long as people don't stop signing it. My doctor had signed it and lost his mind. I could already feel my thinking ability deteriorating...and diffusing into the confused crowd and the noise.