May 03, 2013 20:04
Why is it that everytime I log into livejournal from anywhere it sends me an email saying I logged in from an unauthorised location? Weird.
So livejournal claims I have an inactive journal, so I have to start posting random entries now. hahaa..
May 03, 2013 10:16
Its literally 1 month till exams. And now I have all this job application stuff to worry about. Seriously, I can't wait till June 11 comes. Atleast I'll have exams out of the way.
Anyway, saw JUMP's bounce on shokura yesterday. WOW! Who knew JUMP were such amazing dancers. LOVE LOVE LOVE. =)
Time to hit the books again.
Jan 21, 2011 21:18
.i suck at using livejournal..
i never update this thing..
but then again i never update my facebook or blog or all the others as well..
lazy old me..
college is driving me crazy.
Apr 17, 2010 13:00
i joined livejournal for all the videos..