Title: The Woman Warrior; Prologue Author: meepers369 Pairing: Nejiten Summary: AU. Being a woman warrior is not easy during times dominated by men. A retelling of Mulan.
Very awesome, reading this makes me excited! I like how you described Tenten's mother and father, and how she changed her behaviour from being female-like, to male, then female and male again. =p The swords and weaponry were a nice touch, and so was the ancestral hall in the mountains.
I haven't read/watched Mulan in quite a while now, so it's nice reading about all these details. =P Do update soon!
Thank you! I've just finished studying Mulan, so it's really fun to put it into a new form. The newest movie just disappointed me so much that I had to do a rewrite. :P
Very good use of description. And I like how you make the story so fluid. Tenten's character obviously undergoes many changes from the time she was born to the time she turned sixteen, but you manage to make those chapters in her life transition so easily without being overly detailed or contrived. Not an easy feat, I think.
Also, I like the story about her mother. Albeit sad, the angst gives this story an edge, telling me that this isn't going to be like the conventional Disney movie that is Mulan.
Comments 9
I haven't read/watched Mulan in quite a while now, so it's nice reading about all these details. =P Do update soon!
Also, I like the story about her mother. Albeit sad, the angst gives this story an edge, telling me that this isn't going to be like the conventional Disney movie that is Mulan.
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