I think a lot of those guests only came for the bubblies. :-/ But Verona's a witch AND pregnany, so she's got a lot going for her.
Her bed looks really comfy, BTW. You can never stack too many matresses on top of one another, is my experience. The house is starting to look really good, too.
Where did you get all the pink recolours? I've got this one Sim who just really needs it. x)
Oh, and the "great novel" want is really useful when your Sim has high creativity. You can get them 8000 points every couple of days, because they keep on rolling it. That's a lot of elixir.
I think so too, or more like all of them. the jerks. and yess she's got plenty going on ;)
it does lol. Mattresses and lots of pillows :D and thanks! I suck at building but I'm attempting to make it look halfway decent at least.
I got a bunch of recolors here: http://luasims.livejournal.com/ but I have no idea if it's the ones your wanting as I can't remember at all which are which, lol. My game and comp probably both also hate me for stalking this tumblr: http://trappingcrushes.tumblr.com/ so if you don't find it with the first link.. it's probably on that tumblr somewhere.
Ah, this is true! It went away as fast as I noticed it there though and well.. i rarely use the aspiration points for anything besides earning them all the aspiration earning the permaplatinum status and all the little bonus thingys that go with their aspiration.
Comments 4
Her bed looks really comfy, BTW. You can never stack too many matresses on top of one another, is my experience. The house is starting to look really good, too.
Where did you get all the pink recolours? I've got this one Sim who just really needs it. x)
Oh, and the "great novel" want is really useful when your Sim has high creativity. You can get them 8000 points every couple of days, because they keep on rolling it. That's a lot of elixir.
it does lol. Mattresses and lots of pillows :D and thanks! I suck at building but I'm attempting to make it look halfway decent at least.
I got a bunch of recolors here: http://luasims.livejournal.com/ but I have no idea if it's the ones your wanting as I can't remember at all which are which, lol. My game and comp probably both also hate me for stalking this tumblr: http://trappingcrushes.tumblr.com/ so if you don't find it with the first link.. it's probably on that tumblr somewhere.
Ah, this is true! It went away as fast as I noticed it there though and well.. i rarely use the aspiration points for anything besides earning them all the aspiration earning the permaplatinum status and all the little bonus thingys that go with their aspiration.
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