she knew that someone had climbed up the other side of the wall by the gust of air that seemingly tipped her legs into swinging again. the true surprise was the flash of light born in the moment his hair flew to the side of her face. his lips on hers tugged her lungs away from her heart before she could open her eyes again. his smile responded to hers before he spoke.
"i had to know"
"and?" she looked away quickly. this time it seemed that the water toying with the sand would give her the answers.
"the timing is never right, is it."
his face began to melt away from her even before she could dodge his gaze hitting her loss.
as he walked away she thought about the woman standing out of reach, angular and curved downward, the water reflected in her angry eyes betraying her outrage.
oh! also! i got an interview with walter reed! dunno when it is yet, but i'm still excited!