Saturday Night Adventure!

Aug 20, 2005 21:57

So tonight was going to be saying goodbye to Sam Cook and Rachel Botham, but I definitely had some adventures along the way....

Linnea and I went to say bye to Sam Cook, who expressed regret at not saying goodbye to some other friends of mine, so I offered to drive him. We dropped Linnea off at the bowling alley and then went to visit

AFter visiting Alice we took her and caleld Mickey up to tell her we would be there in two minutes...

And Sam said goodbye to Mickey

Then we left Mickey behind with Harry Potter as Sam, Alice and I went to Cathy's house. Along the way we saw Matt Colleen walking and he asked for a ride up the hill

We dropped him off about two minutes later and arrived unannounced at Cathy's because the phone line was busy and surprised her...

Sam and Cathy said goodbye

And we discussed how wild Sam was going to be with the women at college as Alice demonstrated what a Pomona girl would do..

Then I took Sam home and we said goodbye

and went to say goodbye to my favorite Calculus friend Rachel Botham! She loaded my country cds onto her computer

and then we said goodbye...I'll miss my integral/differential/Reimman sum friend(now I just have Mr. Calculus)

And then as I was leaving my future Chem 142 friend came!

And then I picked up Cathy and Alice from Cathy's and now we're watching Bride and Prejudice. All and all a good evening and I wish Kate, Sam and Rachel lots of luck at college!!
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