Today, one of my P1 students decided it was a good idea to stick her head in my crotch while I was sitting on the floor. Then later during the class, she started petting my hair.
She would be an absolute riot if she didn't have such an attitude problem (she goes and sits in the corner if the other girl gets a point in a game, even if she already has, like, 20 herself).
Her brother, however? Absolute sweetheart. Troublesome, but in a Hey, I'm only one year old and aren't I just fucking cute as hell? kind of way.
I've been asking and asking and asking about seminars at my work. I asked Julie, the NET I replaced. I asked Nathan, my co-NET. I even asked manager, and none of them gave me a thorough answer. I've been lost for weeks, but so busy with settling into my regular work routine that I haven't had time to pursue it further than I already had. So today I sat down in front of manager, after I'd finished everything else and was ready to go home, and made her explain. It took a while, because her English isn't very good, but I finally understand (to an extent, anyway) how seminars work.
And I learned that I should've been asking kids to take them starting last week. Fan-fucking-tastic. Now I'm an entire week behind schedule, and I only have another half a week to prepare for the shit I can't - AARGH.
It would take too long to explain the whole seminar thing and why exactly I'm so screwed, but suffice to say that if someone had just explained the goddamn thing to me in the beginning I wouldn't be so fucking frustrated right now.
Also. I woke up with a migraine today. Just. FML.
Edit: I'm just not gonna do my own. Fuck it. Three of my other teachers have signed their kids up to take lessons with me and that's just gonna have to be good enough.
I hate Fridays. A lot.
Firstly, it's actually not Friday in the sense that Yay! It's the end of the week! since my 'Friday' is actually Saturday.
Secondly, I have some of my least favorite classes on Friday.
-The first is the baby class where one of the mom's, if her son doesn't do what I want him to do (like jump), she'll shove him super hard and make him cry. I feel so bad for him, he's only 1.5 years old, give him a goddamn break. But she acts like if he doesn't understand everything I want him to do that he's a complete and total failure.
-Another one I have is one of my JB (Junior High) classes. I usually don't mind these, since they're old enough to behave and usually good enough at English to manage simple conversation. But these two boys just sit there and look at me. Today I tried a million different ways to get them to participate in a conversation and they just...sat there. I tried asking about their weekend, spring break, Golden Week; I tried asking them questions based off of what we were actually doing in the textbook. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I had to end the class 5 minutes early (which is a lot when you're paying as much as Amity charges) because they wouldn't. Fucking. Talk.
Third, I have six classes in a row. What does that mean? That means I have to go for six hours nonstop.
Fourth, I don't get off until 9, which means I won't get to eat dinner until 10 because-
Fifth, I have to vacuum for my 'cleaning duties' on Fridays. I hate vacuuming, it's a pain in the ass and tiring and takes too long.
I hate Fridays.
Today, I accidentally shot ketchup into my eye. And up my nose. It kind of looked like my right nostril had exploded and there was blood everywhere. Luckily enough, I didn't get any on my favorite work shirt.
Some of my kids today thought it would be FANTASTIC to try and sneak their hands under my legs to tickle my crotch. I think it's funny that my trainers all warned me about the boob-grabbing (which hasn't happened, btw) but failed to mention that women must also defend their nether regions.
I might post again later. We'll see. Also,