o Megy... "don't worry be happy".... "do you got a hemi?"....i love valentines day b/c it is a time for everyone to become close and find the true love, which is sweet. I have always loved this holiday, but u are right on that depressing thing.
I know how ya feel, I hate valentine's day too. the only good thing about it is the candy! w00tw00t! Megan will you be my valentine!! haha yay.. Fabio wants a valentine too. yay! ok well i'll talk to you later
hey i think i'll be able to take you to as i lay dying but i might have to take two other friends that live in shelby township. ahh so much driving... well u should post in my journal or call my cell so we can chat and decide whats happening... 248-921-0791
meg meg meg. first off, wasn't black and white film ALWAYS your favorite? second on, i don't have my hand drawing done, and i hope you dont either, so we'll go down together. thrid round, i think mason LAWRENCE is looking for a valentine..eh eh?
the rumors are true, black and white film was ALWAYS my favorite, kate you know me better than i know myself. and i dont have my hand drawing even started, cheers to ultra late work. ha, mason lawrence is our valentine, remember? unless..you want to take dibs on derek? haha
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~ Novi Ma$on
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