Today I learned a new internet phrase. It would be the tier 5 of internet laughters. Thank you, Nicholas (
keys8279), for giving me the new brain wrinkle of PMP.
Jeff Cross: chiquito sounds like a food
Jeff Cross: I want to have some eggs, a salad, and a side of chiquitos
Nicholas: what is a chinquito?
Jeff Cross: chico
Jeff Cross: ito
Jeff Cross: chiquito!
Nicholas: ohhh.. you had an N in there... I was confused
Jeff Cross: no i didn't
Jeff Cross: too much queer N folk for you
Nicholas: LMAO... no you didn't
Nicholas: maybe I need my eyes checked
Jeff Cross: *puts on latex gloves*
Jeff Cross: just bend over, and we'll start the examination
Nicholas: LMFAO
Nicholas: you wish
Jeff Cross: Now, when I press it here, do you see N's everywhere?
Nicholas: I need to get to bed sweetie
Nicholas: LMFAO
Jeff Cross: okay
Jeff Cross: night night, sugarplum
Nicholas: sugarplum?
Jeff Cross: yes
Jeff Cross: my sugarplum
Nicholas: no no no
Jeff Cross: my bootyblossom
Jeff Cross: oh
Nicholas: ROFLMAO
Jeff Cross: do you prefer splendaplum?
Nicholas: PMP
Jeff Cross: pmp?
Nicholas: pissing my pants
Jeff Cross: lol, that's a new one
Jeff Cross: ew
Jeff Cross: that's nasty
Jeff Cross: SMS
Jeff Cross: shitting myself
Nicholas: LOL
Nicholas: have a good night handsome
Nicholas: I'll ttys
Jeff Cross: night night
Brett Burke once briefly used VIT, an abbreviation he made up for the precursor to LOL, Vibration in Throat. I should use that one more often. I always say I'm a very honest person, but when I "lol" online, it's only true about half the time.
What I would consider the laughter tiers:
1. VIT
2. LOL
5. *NEW* PMP
I would like to merge 4 and 5 into ROFPMPO because it brings up a more amusing image. That would indeed be quite the hardy laugh to piss your pants off. I don't know what goes beyond tier 5 other than instant death.
I take that back. Julia (
pornothechicken) once told me of her dream to one day laugh so hard she involuntarily threw up. Perhaps that would be tier 6 and then instant death for 7.
6. ITU: Involuntary Throw Up
7. XX: Death