My friend Justin is subleasing his Mass St. apartment, but if you're looking for long-term I may not be able to help you. I will offer you this hint, though: DO NOT LIVE AT ABERDEEN.
I actually have a room in a house right now that I am paying rent for, that might be considered "cool." It's at 9th and New Hampshire. The girls that live there are really nice, I just moved because I had other plans with my life. Rent is 260 a mo, and I'm not sure what utilities are like. These are really awesome girls too. One works for Pipeline Productions and the other is a tour manager for a bunch of national bands. Blah blah blah, I sound like an advertisement. The lease is up in August, but I think they are planning to stay there another year. Just let me know via lj comment or e-mail:
Comments 3
I will offer you this hint, though: DO NOT LIVE AT ABERDEEN.
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