Ouch, my tender flesh

Sep 20, 2004 09:27

My face is red like a tomato. Stupid electric beach. Stupid swimsuit tan lines that won't go away and stupid strapless dress I have to wear on Saturday. I think that pretty much sums it up.

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Comments 4

bigmustard September 20 2004, 11:33:46 UTC
How was the bachelorette party?


megandivo September 20 2004, 13:42:48 UTC
I think it was a success! I had a good time (at least the parts I remember).
The Viewpoint was dirty dirty.

How was the Bachelor party?


bigmustard September 20 2004, 13:58:33 UTC
It was good (parts I remember). Oh, sorry about your face. Don't do that anymore.

"Un coup de des jaimais n'abolira le hasard."
--Ted Nugent


why... zotzotzot September 20 2004, 13:46:09 UTC
why is your face so red?

summer says she feels you on the viewpoint being dirty..."YESS MAMM" is how she put it.


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