Project Name: RPGoners
Age of Conception: 18
Inspiration: Indego was a feminine looking character, who actually acted rather masculine. He was based around characters like that.
Fun Facts: Indego was a bit of a snob, but he was also down to earth and rational-thinking. He was the thinker of the Blue Party, and also the wizard. He had a semi-identical twin brother, Jasper.
- His poncho has a name, and it talks too. I forget it, though, so I'm not counting it in the lineup.
- He was meant to look more and more masculine as years go on.
- Is an Ilken. They have abnormally large ears, and can obviously use them to hear the quietest of sounds. Also, their race is most magically in-tune. Based on RPG elves.
- Starts the story 16, and ends it 20.
Yes, I can spell. His name was just written down as 'Indego', so I'm sticking with it. :T