random stuff

Dec 06, 2006 09:34

- i played zelda on wii! don't ask what i thought of it though, cause i'm always down on everything, especially things that are supposed to be the second best videogame of all time. although i do really wish i was playing it right now ( Read more... )

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Comments 17

tromar December 6 2006, 10:22:39 UTC
i played some joanna newsom for my mom and she was like "Is this Bjork? I HATE Bjork".. she liked Animal Collective.


megatherium December 6 2006, 10:36:14 UTC
that is a sweet response! my mom also took exception to the vocal stylings


notesandchords December 6 2006, 10:38:10 UTC
Being a fan of the solo harp I didn't know what to think of the orchestration, but after hearing it I think the new Newsom album is so full.

Wii Zelda!?!? Tell me more!


megatherium December 6 2006, 10:56:12 UTC
wii zelda is...good,ish. i'd rather play other zelda games with wii controls. about the ys orchestration though... i feel like joanna newsom is taking her ambitions too far. i really love her voice, and i really really love the harp. to me the best song on the new album is sawdust and diamonds. i feel like adding more to that formula is unnecessary, she already has something so appealing that the added length and instrumentation is unneeded. also the orchestration seems uncaring, kinda haphazard to me. i listened to ys, then i listened to "peach, plum, pear" 10 times, and i was way more moved. still.... i can't not enjoy ys.


allbadendsall December 6 2006, 14:44:56 UTC
i agree with you about ys but i think i like it slightly more than you, while the orchestration does feel a bit ridiculous at times, knowing that van dyke parks purposefully kind of makes haphazard orchestral pieces it makes more sense.

and yeah i played it for my parents with the statement "this is the highest reviewed album of the year"

and they hated it

my dad: "she sounds like a sober janis joplin"
my mom: "why is this the best reviewed album of the year?"


hunglikeahorse December 7 2006, 09:43:04 UTC
where's the photo sean? where's... the photo.


Ys livin_thing December 6 2006, 16:00:45 UTC
I think that the problem with that album may have more to do with Jim O'Rourke's mixing (which might be an even more disapointing statement to have to make) than with the orchestrations in and of themselves. Also, I wish that the whole album was just Newsom and Bill Calahan harmonizing, that two minute stretch pretty much blows me away.


Re: Ys megatherium December 7 2006, 02:10:08 UTC
what about the mixing do you have a problem with? I rarely notice stuff like that.


Re: Ys livin_thing December 7 2006, 06:05:13 UTC
what I meant is that I think the orchestrations feel more unnecesarry and incongruous because of they way they are laid into the mix.


fagcunt December 6 2006, 18:37:19 UTC
I like BSG because it's constantly torturing the characters, and all the stuff with the cylons is cool. I know what you mean about tv acting though, and not every episode is perfect. The cylon philosophizing is what keeps me coming back, I could watch a show just about that.

At some point you do have to except that every part of pop culture kinda sucks, but there are some cute things every once and awhile. In the clock of the long now they mention how something that is good will sell just as well as something that is great, so companies don't usually bother investing the extra time to make something great.


Re: Ys missteps December 6 2006, 23:45:12 UTC
As a tribute to occassional television greatness, and to cool cosmic philosophy, I feel it might be necessary to get high and watch the beautiful (and beautifully dated) Cosmos with Carl Sagan. Any takers?

I think, despite the potential for Jim O'Rourke's poor mixing, those strings are still excessive, and yeah outright random sometimes. And yeah whenever Bill Calahan and Joanna Newsom get together great things tend to happen - I'm pretty sure she played piano on that smog song "Drinking at the dam"

My dad has really bizzare musical sensibilities, I think he'd probably be into Ys.


Re: Ys missteps December 6 2006, 23:53:13 UTC
also, I think the strings on the new bonnie prince billy album are way more effective


math figures gorillagorilla December 7 2006, 07:24:04 UTC
the wire > battlestar galcatica
ys > milk eyed mender
james kim's death = really really sad


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