I spilled some things out of my head at Gwen over irc and I'm gonna just put it here. Concerns my Psychonauts fan character Alegria and a little bit more canon speculation.
(Megan) Basically I decided that she and Milla both grew up in the orphanage and Milla took on the caretaking duties once she got old enough
(Gwenkuma) if you want to read some pesterlogs we got gA seeking relationship advice and aT seeking trolling advice
(Gwenkuma) Man that orphanage
(Gwenkuma) it's a good thing when I went in there I knew what to expect, but the whispers were still mad creepy
(Gwenkuma) and when you have the text boxes turned on, I think there are like...creepy ghost face icons next to the whispers
(Gwenkuma) as far as I remember
(Megan) And little!Alegria was just the kinda kid who was lonely and wanted friends but didn't really know how to properly socialize so nobody really liked her
(Gwenkuma) oh noooo
(Megan) which just caused her attitude to become more abbrasive
(Gwenkuma) that can happen
(Gwenkuma) statement, not question
(Megan) And she still is driven to drinking when she's older by trying to care for the orphans but since she was still not liked after all that time even by newer kids they gave her hell
(Megan) And she gets all stressed out and goes on a walk at night and ends up at a bar
(Gwenkuma) man.
(Megan) And basically ends up spending more and more time there
(Megan) and when the bartender insists she's had enough one night and won't serve her anymore she accidentally telekinesis-s a bottle over to her when no one's looking
(Gwenkuma) haha, how do you even accidentally telekinesis
(Megan) I don't know, strong desire to have something?
(Gwenkuma) especially specifically when no one's looking
(Gwenkuma) True
(Megan) and it pulls the object toweard you
(Gwenkuma) mechanics of psychic abilities woooo
(Gwenkuma) accio booze
(Megan) It's better than "When Milla discovers her powers they deicde to test her sister and oh look she's psychic too!"
(Gwenkuma) pff yeah
(Gwenkuma) or no I can see how it can be specifically when no one's looking
(Gwenkuma) like she's staring at it and it moves a little and she goes like "...woa shit" waits until nobody's looking, gives it a go
(Megan) yeah
(Megan) Anyway one night she's caught with a stolen bottle, though nobody sees how she did it
(Gwenkuma) true psychonauts style depressio backstory
(Megan) and the bartender yells at her to give it back but she bolts out the door
(Megan) and so he pursues her, eventually she is almost cornered but desperation triggers her levitation ability and she floats off all like "Shit this is awesome"
(Gwenkuma) haha, frig
(Gwenkuma) like forget you guys I'm out *levitate*
(Gwenkuma) peace
(Megan) So yeah she never goes back to that bar again, finds a new place to hang out, but the bartender keeps telling people what happened even if no one believes her
(Megan) But some Psychonaut agent/s catch wind of this and investigate
(Gwenkuma) NPCs with their stories
(Gwenkuma) givin' quests
(Gwenkuma) only not
(Megan) Sometime between all this the fire happens and Milla starts exhibiting her abilites, so when they investigate Alegria, they learn about Milla too
(Megan) And they go off for training and whatnot and Milla succeeds, Alegria doesn't do so hot thanks to her issues, etc.
(Megan) Eventually it gets so bad that they can't really keep her as an agent but they can't really let her go either, so they do the only thing they can think to do with her and sign her on as a counselor at Whispering Rock
(Gwenkuma) heh, friggin whispering rock
(Megan) They have her teach a Telekinesis class even though it's a basic enough skill that most kids can get their telekinesis badge without much instruction
(Gwenkuma) if sashablog were canon for all OCs she'd probably get some really mundane desk job
(Megan) lol
(Megan) Does that even still update I stopped following it ages ago
(Gwenkuma) yeah I haven't looked at it in ages either
(Gwenkuma) last post I saw was that "lawl yep the agency collapsed"
(Megan) yeah me too
(Megan) I always had a bit of a grudge against Blogsahsa for having alcohol problems
(Gwenkuma) and I already wanted to stop paying attention by then so I was like "yup okay this is as good a stopping point as any"
(Megan) Like "you're stealing Alegria's issue"
(Gwenkuma) oh yeah, huh
(Gwenkuma) somehow managed to be so in-character I forgot game sasha doesn't have anything to do with the drinks
(Megan) And eventually I was like "Well no this isn't canon so it's not like he has to be this way in my little world"
(Gwenkuma) canon sasha's vice is the cigarettes
(Megan) Yes
(Megan) Which Alegria hates, even though bars usually smell of smoke
(Megan) she puts up with it there cause she needs to get her drink on
(Megan) but she thinks it's filthy
(Gwenkuma) in that case sasha can think the alcohols is despicable and they can be all pissed off at each other
(Gwenkuma) in a straightforward way, not weird coquettish way
(Megan) And if anyone points out to her that her habit isn't any better she just goes like "...so? stfu"
(Gwenkuma) or both straightforward AND coquettish I don't know why am I even saying things
(Gwenkuma) dunno how that would work though
(Gwenkuma) coquettish is a better word than tsundere
(Gwenkuma) it's like tsundere isn't even an applicable term unless you're talking about the animes and mangas
(Gwenkuma) ...I might be spelling coquettish wrong I don't care I LAZY
(Megan) I don't think she's gonna coquette at him any time soon, I never was able to see her with any love interest
(Megan) Besides she probably knows how Milla feels about him and therefore tolerates him even if he pisses her off
(Gwenkuma) yeah true, that one would be all convoluted and things
(Megan) She's a pretty loyal sister and stuff I've decided
(Gwenkuma) people being cool to each other is cool
(Megan) Since Milla would be the only real friend she ever had at the orphanage or...anywhere probably
(Gwenkuma) for reals.
(Megan) She does reluctantly and like...subtly I guess befriend Clem and Crystal
(Gwenkuma) hooraaayyyyy!
(Megan) Cause she's still wary of children but she can understand what they've gone through
(Gwenkuma) ...whatever they even went through. I've completely forgotten everything about everything.
(Gwenkuma) should probably replay this GAME
(Megan) Although, I'm not sure Crystal is as harassed as Clem is, I mean on those MySpace pages a lot of people were all like "Hey are you okay?"
(Megan) at her
(Gwenkuma) man I hardly remember those
(Megan) and I don't recall such concern for Clem
(Megan) And she had this kind of friendship in Myspace-canon with Elka, mostly her giving her advice about Nils and stuff, something like that
(Gwenkuma) pfff elka, poor dogan, hiding in the grass could not save him
(Gwenkuma) I remember that much
(Megan) But yeah I think that Clem is maybe the more disliked of the two, but Crystal's self-esteem issues and her choosing to be his best friend and getting harassed along with him affected her a lot
(Megan) and led her to be the same way Clem was
(Gwenkuma) man, negative influeenncceee
(Gwenkuma) but it's good to have friends
(Megan) I may be kinda off on this cause I never honestly watched a WHOLE lot of Ed Edd 'n Eddy but I think Edd had a similar kinda...thing
(Gwenkuma) but...man clem and crystal have a confusing relationship
(Megan) Like I think the other kids woulda liked him well enough if he didn't choose the friends he chose
(Gwenkuma) I think they went deeper into why Edd puts up with those guys in the later-later episodes
(Gwenkuma) but I forget
(Megan) Loyalty all up ins
(Gwenkuma) werd
(Megan) I also have my own two cents about Clem and Crystal as they get older but I'm getting a little tired of being all think-y for now