finals should be harder. i should be trying more. but you know... that isnt happening.
movie night. and hookah.
1. Would you date someone who smokes?
i have and got addicted to kissing it... and then i learned to hate it. HA fuck dating
2. Would you date someone who was addicted to drugs?
some drugs are mighty fine to be addicted to, but if your shooting up ill pass
3. Would you date someone who was outside your race?
fuck ya... i do already
4. Whats your biggest turn off?
not so sure just yet... wait i lied... people who change when they hang out with different people.... cause lord knows i love genuine people
5. Whats your biggest turn on, physically?
height... a tall boy is always a cute boy
7. Most hurtful relationship?
hmm... the kind that end with me crying. and finding out there's a baby and a wife on the way. that one still stings every time i think about it
8. Have you ever regretted breaking up with someone?
i dont think ive ever broken up with anyone. and i dont ever want to have to
9. Have you ever dated someone more than once?
'dated' i've seen people on and off for years already. so sure
10. Do you miss any of your ex's?
not them as a person... but the things they could do... yeah i miss that! ha
11. If you could go on ONE DATE with any celebrity, who would it be?
justin timberlake... the things that boy does to me on stage would multiple by 1000 in real life... mmm
12. What's your relationship status?
single... hollller
13. What's the sweetest thing someone you dated did for you?
there are three things he said... i havent kissed you goodnight, havent gotten your number, and i would like to see you again.
14. When was your LAST SERIOUS relationship?
i havent dont one of those yet
15. Are you ready to get into another serious relationship right now?
i would like to try one day... but if im gonna go through all the bullshit... it better mean something more than all of the past ones ive had
16. Whats the most screwed up thing someone you dated did to you?
nothing while dating me.... just the aftermath. i think im the type of girl you date and then you find a real long amazing relationship shortly thereafter... because im like 3/3 in that department
17. Do you hold grudges?
of course i do... i always do
18. Do you regret dating anyone?
nope, it was all worth it
19. How many times have you been truly IN love?
20. Do you still love them?
21. Have you ever been in a fist fight w/ someone you dated?
not a fist fight... how about a wrestling match
22. Have you ever broken up w/ someone, tried going back, and realized you were too late?
23. Are you happier single or in a relationship?
ive been ecstatic single thankyouverymuch
24. Whats the most important thing in a relationship?
25. What would make you break up w/ someone... no questions asked?
i dont know... i always ask questions
26. Have you ever liked someone who didn't like you back?
story of my life
27. Would you date someone who was broke all the time?
ha. been there and done that
28. How important are looks?
meh... i like personality
29. Would you date someone in a wheelchair?
sure why not
30. Do you consider yourself shy?
not really... im pretty blunt and in your face
31. Would you rather date someone who was SUPER-HOT or someone super-fun?
super fun man.... i always love fun people
32. Have you ever been turned down?
oh dear me yes
33. Have you ever been ashamed of anyone you were dating?
34. Do you currently want to date anyone?
theres always that one boy who still cares about me... i would love to date him
35. How important is sex in a relationship?
pretty damn important
36. Would you ever date anyone your parents disapproved of?
of course
37. Do you stay friends w/ the people you date?
not any of them that im thinking about right now... except that one
39. Would you fight for someone you wanted to be with?
i would try... but i tend to be distraught... theyd have to be worth it
41. Would you date someone A LOT older or younger than you?
older for the win
42. Do you think cheerleaders are sexy?
yeah! they rally people to be excited and have emotion for something... thats awesome
43. Do you like "badasses"?
haha... i have a soft spot for em
44. If someone cheated on you, would you take them back if you really loved them?
who the fuck knows, gotta be in the situation to know whats up
45. Three days from now will you be a in relationship!!
helllll no
46. What color are your eyes?
brown... boooorrrrriiiiing
47. What does your second text say?
i am sooo not getting up to get my phone to figure it out... but im pretty sure it says "are you still at school?"
48. Do you smoke cigarettes?
i cant stop myself when im drunk
49. Do you smoke weed?
only on days that end in y
50. Do you drink coffee?
only when i need to stay up hardcorely
51. Are you mad at anyone right now?
hmmmmm.... no
52. How is your hair?
53. Your bestfriend?
is hopefully done with her finals and going home to her fam and bf shortly!
54. Have you ever been kissed by anyone on the lips that's not related to you?
good god yes i have... thank god
55. Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight?
ugggh dont remind me of thos days
56. Do u like your last name?
its freakin awesome! respect, yo!
57. Do u like to cuddle?
i could use someone to cuddle with tonight damnit
58.Do you like teddy bears?
They're precious.
59. Love or Lust?
both together
60. Baseball or Football?
61. Ever been skinny dipping?
nah man
62. Do you love someone?
my family and my bestie !
63. What is your biggest fear?
not having control of any situation
64. What's one thing you've learned this year?
sociology is the SHIT
65. Do you get along with the parents?
now yeah
66. Last person you laughed at?
ron weasly
67. Last time you went to the beach?
4th of july!
68. Last person you called?
my dad... bastard called, didnt leave a message and didnt call me back.. wtf?
69. Last person to tell you they love you?
my mommmmmsie
70. Last person to pick you up from somewhere?
curran and kristin in my car!
71. Last person or Thing you cried over?
i cried while listening to defying gravity on the car ride home today... there are several reasons why to name a few
1- i wish i had the guts and power and ability to make a difference in the world
2- i wish when people say i hope your happy... i hope your happy too... that it didnt mean departing from each other
3- i wish sociology was a legit science that people should learn... because through it an unveiling of society happens, and it wrecks my mind
72. Do you cry easily?
heck yeah
73. Do you have any siblings?
my brother!
74. Are they close in age?
we are 4-5years in difference
75. Who do you like?
no one, im practically in mourning over how shitty liking people ends up going for me
76. Do you have a dirty mind?
indeed... the things i think of are pretty ridiculous
77. What would you do if you found out your ex is engaged?
ummm.... you know i flipped. been there done that... went to his bachlor party, and that was fairly awkward
78. Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn't do?
yeah... and im happy i did it!
79. Have you ever really wanted something so bad and got it?
yeah... i work for it though
80. What would you do if you saw a person fall down a flight of stairs?
make sure they were ok... and then laugh my asss off... or probably laugh as i asked if they were ok
81. Are you aware of what happens around you?
im pretty much more in it than most.
82. When is your next road trip?
HOME, maybe by myself...
83. Would you ever consider having a long distance relationship?
not to start one... but if it was there, sure why not
84. Do you have any friends that you've known for 10 years or more?
HECK YEAH ! drew... nick... anyone from ssj
85. Do you need to know everything about some one's past?
does anyone know anything about anyone let alone everything???
86. What do you look forward to most in the next 2 months ?
hanging out with my family and jess!!
87. Do you know how to drive a stick shift?
i tried once.... ask shamus how much i sucked! haha
88. Anything hurt on your body right now?
nah i need to work out SOO bad ive been slacking
89. Have you done anything bad recently?
i never do anything bad... duh
90. Who is the last male you rode in a car with?
uhhhhhh. . . curran??
91. Who is the last person to make you laugh? When?
lindsay and i talking about the movie we are watching
92. Have you ever been stalked?
not personally... but my friends man... they are hott and always have stalkers
93. Last time you were shocked by something good?
cant seem to recall atm i wish i could be shocked by something good everyday though
94. Do you have any strange or odd things in common with your best friend?
we dont like normal girls. we love sitting and talking. we dont have to do much to have fun. and we can be straight bitches, when needed
95. Do your best friends know each other?
i feel like a lot of my bests from different groups have met
96. Do your best friends know your family?
97. Do you think you will be married by the time you are 35?
god i hope so
98. Is there something your doing tonight?
going to bed!
99. Would you rather someone be honest and hurt you or lie and save your feelings?
lie and save my feelings.. yeah... its necessary
100. Have you told anyone you love them this week?
my mom
101. Last four things you drank?
water. . . all water haha
102. Next thing you will do?
smoke and go to bed
103. What is something that you find fun, that most other people wouldn't?
sitting and being bored and being by myself... its almost blissful
104. Do you like roses?
they are alright
105. Would you ever date someone 10 years older than you?
of course
106. Do you have any "friends with benefits"?
not at the moment
107. What is your favorite kind of hot drink?
108. What are some names that you particularly like?
taylor, adrienne, laureli
109. What was the last thing you procrastinated doing?
110. What is something about you that someone probably wouldn't guess?
im a party girl thats horrifically family oriented
111. What would you do if you got stuck in an elevator?
am i with anyone in particular?
112. Do you watch TV or listen to music more?
watch tv! im obbsessed
113. Did you ever intentionally vomit?
sometimes you have to when your too drunk
114. Would you rather your mate have gorgeous eyes or a gorgeous smile?
smile for the win
115. If someone cheated on you, what would you do?
id feel blank
116. What month is your birthday in?
117. What is your favorite kind of gum?
dont do gum.... gives me headaches
118. Would you consider yourself a bad or good influence?
im good at being good... but when im bad im even better
119. Who sits next to you in math?
no more math classes... thank god
120.Do you like A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila?
no thanks
121. Would you rather have an apple or an orange?
122. Do you enjoy watching other people trip?
123. Would you ever get a tattoo?
cant see myself doing it
124. If you could choose to live without any emotion, would you want to?
no... feeling is living
125. What time is it?
126. Who do you love?
family for the win
127. Who can't you stand?
just people who dont stop talking about themselves
128. How much does someone have to weigh for you consider them fat?
who the hell knows
129. Do words hurt you?
130. Do you like wearing leather?
131. Did you sleep at least 7 hours last night?
pfff.. try 4
132. Do spiders scare you?
nope... i kill em for people... unless they are unusually large
133. Halloween or Christmas?
aw crap... halloween for college living... christmas for the rest of my life
134. Would you rather wear glasses or have braces?
135. Do you think that your name defines who you are?
136. What color eyes do you prefer the opposite gender to have?
doesnt matter as long as they are honest
137. Are you single?
138. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy?
rainy... for the win
139. Who's your best friend?
jessica marie cho !
140. Do you like some one right now?
not realistically
141. Do they know you like them?
he knows
142. Do you find it hard to concentrate?
only when im doing something i dont want to do