• clothes: Jeans, Muppets T-shirt, FLEECE jacket.
• hairstyle: Down, straight
• jewelry: None
• underwear: flowers
do you:
• lick yourself: i lick my lips, does that count?
• whine a lot: i try not to, but i think I do
• yell a lot: Yeah....
• hate a lot of people: Yeah....
• have too many friends: No
• want to die: not anytime soon
• have a bf/gf: nope
• do drugs: never have
• wear dark colors: I suppose so
• dye your hair: Yes ma'am.
have you ever:
• kissed someone: Nope, how depressing, lol.
• gotten drunk: No
• worn rainbow: I dont think.
• talked on the phone for more than 3 hours: No, but close to it.
• left the country: Canada!
• had a party with over 30 people: I think so, yeah
• taken nude pictures: uh... no. thats weird
• stolen something: nope
• caught something on fire: haha, yeah.
• cheated on someone: nope
• wanted to cheat on someone: no
• asked someone out: no
• had a dream, then the next day it happens: don't think so
are you:
• understanding: i try to be
• open-minded: sometimes
• insecure: usually
• interesting: you tell me
• hungry: usually.
• smart: not in upper st clair standards.
• childish: I hope not
• independent: I like to think so
• hard working: When something needs to get done
• healthy: not at all, but maybe i will be soon
• emotional: I suppose so.
• shy: usually around new people
• difficult: Probably. How do I have friends, lol
• attractive: not really.
• bored easily: depends
• obsessed: with?
• angry: usually. Once again, how the heck do I have friends?
• sad: When Im not angry? lol
• happy: i try to be... but we all know how that works sometimes
• trusting: not so much... only to certian people
• ill: umm no
• talkative: Yeah
• ignored: sometimes?
• reliable: usually
• self-disciplined: depends
• lonely: i can be
• what is your favorite band?: Eek, this is a hard choice. Green Day, All American Rejects, Blink 182, Fall Out Boy... too many to choose just one.
• color(s)?: Red and silver
• soda?: I dont know what soda is... but pop, well Im sorta a Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper addict.
• music?: anything that isn't country. I do enjoy my occasional "ghetto music".
• stores in the mall?: T-Mobile! lol
• ice cream?: Key Lime Pie
• roller coaster?: Jack Rabbit. Gotta go with a classic.
• candy?: Reeses Peanut butter cups. and dark chocolate.
• cd?: Less Than Jake - Anthem
• where you wanna be: Europe
• cookies?: something my mommy makes
• juice?: apple
• holiday?: Christmas.
• month?: April
in the last 48 hours:
• cried?: nope
• missed someone?: Well... I miss Rosie.
• yelled at someone?: Probably, you know me.
• changed your underwear?: Well duh.
• drove somewhere? Yeah. Places
• talked to someone on the phone?: yup
• been online?: When arent I online?
• smiled?: I do believe so.
• had sex?: No, stupid.
• kissed someone?: No, idiot.
• hugged someone?: No, loser.
• last thing you ate?: Spanish Rice
• talked to an ugly person?: Ha um... yeah. lol
have you ever:
• been in love: nope
• been in trouble with the police?: nope
• hit someone?: yup
• broke something?: Like what? Bones, no. But like... random shit? All the time.
• betrayed a friend?: Probably...
• played strip poker?: No
• skipped school?: Havent we all faked sick once or twice.
• shot a gun?: No
• broken something important?: I dont think so.... but maybe
• smoked weed?: No
• dyed your hair?: Yes. Since like... 6th grade on theres been color in my hair, lol
okay, last questions:
• what is sitting next to you?: My closet.
• favorite sport?: Hockey, duh.
• are you gay/lesbian/bi/straight?: straight
• been in a plane?: Once.
• killed someone?: No. And thats a stupid question.
• slept during class?: No, but free mods... all the time.
• are you bored of taking this survey?: a little
• what time is it now?: 4:41
50 PREFERENCES ... Fill these out according
to you.
1. Pierce your nose or tongue? Tongue
2. Be serious or be funny? funny all the way
3. Boxers or briefs? boxers
4. Whole or skim milk? skim
5. Single or Taken? single
6. Simple or complicated? complicated, i like to think
7. Law or anarchy? Law, I guess.
8. Flowers or angels? Angels!
9. Grey or gray? wow thats pretty tough, umm gray i suppose
10. Read or write? Read
11. Color or black-and-white photos? black and white are sweet.
12. Sunrise or sunset? sunset, i hate being up early enough for a sunrise
13. M&M's or Skittles? peanut butter m&m's
14. Rap or rock? rock
15. Stay up late or wake up late? stay up late
16. TV or Radio? tv
17. Is it POP or SODA? POP. POP. POP.
18. X or O in Tic-tac-toe? X
19. Eat an apple or an orange? apple
20. What came first the chicken or the egg? Hm... egg.
21. Hot or Cold? hot
22. Tall members of the opposite sex or short? tall
23. Sun or moon? moon
24. Emerald or ruby? emeralds are so pretty, and i wouldn't mind visiting emerald city someday
25. Left or right? right
26. 10 acquaintances or 1 best friend? 1 best friend
27. Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream? Vanilla
28. High or Drunk? Never been either... but if I had to choose, I guess drunk.
29. Green beans or carrots? green beans
30. Low fat or fat free? Low fat.
31. What is your biggest fear in the world? Death
32. Kids or no kids? Ugh... Im not very fond of little kids. Ask like, anyone I know.
33. Cat or dog? Dog... *sigh*
34. Half empty or half full? half empty.
36. Hard cover books or soft cover books? Hard.
37. Newspaper or magazine? magazines i suppose
38. Sandals or sneakers? Sneakers. Me and feet dont get along very well.
39. Wonder or amazement? amazement
40. Red car or white car? Red
41. Happy and poor or sad and rich? Happy and poor
42. Singing or dancing? dancing
43. Hugging or Kissing? high five!
44. Corduroy or plaid? corduroy
45. Happy or sad? happy
46. Purple or green? green
47. Acoustic Guitar or Electric? acoustic
48. Band or Orchestra? Band!
49. Boys or Girls? boys
50. A year of hot sex or a lifetime of friendship? lifetime of friendship
Wow.... BORING.