Things that piss me off: 1. Musical Stress 2. Math 3. English Research paper 4. College. 5. Certian people. 6. Broken Promises 7. My camera not always focusing. It angers me.
Things that make me happy: 1. My pelican paper weight. 2. Musical. The good stuff with it. 3. Opening Night 4. Band. 5. My puppy 6. The Office, and Gilmore Girls 7.
Well, I'm still sick. But Im almost better!!! Today is my last day of you know, having the plague. I'll be at sitz probe tomorrow. Speaking of... Joyce, can I have a ride there? please!?
Joyce and I are having a "Pity Party" Friday night. It's going to be us, a pint of Ben and Jerry's (each. Yeah, bring on the calories.), and all the good chick flicks out there. Anyone who actually wants to come pity with us, and has good reason to, may join.