Title: Just A Truck Pairing: Kurt/Dave Word Count: 1,177 Summary: It all starts with ride home. Rating: Strong T for (language & allusions to sex) Inspiration: The truck picture & Bruno Mars Every Day It Will Rain Video Team:
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So tonight my husband was supposed to arrive at the house where we're dog-sitting before I arrived. He wasn't at the house when I arrived. Cue utter panic. He's always on time. Where could he be? I was just getting ready to go drive back home to find him, and he began walking up the path, meeting me as I was headed toward my car. He'd stopped at the Chinese restaurant first, and he hadn't brought his phone inside with him to answer my calls.
Your story, car accidents, safety of loved ones...you got me on quite a night.
Beautifully done. Here's to loved ones making it home safely.
I'm Glad it was just a false alarm! So glad you liked the fic since you seem to read/ know all the good writers. I was bit worried it might be too AU or OOC. its a definitely different from 21 gun. Anyways thanks glad you enjoyed it.
Thank you! It's Gleeverse an interactive livejournal challenge comm. You should join! Also, If you'd like to finish a 21 gun goodbye I could link you too it too.
Comments 18
Your story, car accidents, safety of loved ones...you got me on quite a night.
Beautifully done. Here's to loved ones making it home safely.
I really loved this :)
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