warped tour kicked ASS !!!!!!!!!

Jul 11, 2005 12:25

wow! I had so much fun! I got the shit kicked out of me though, but it was all worth it. You can always tell the true fans from the people who just think they like the bands, cuz the true fans will take the beating to be just that much closer to the band. I got a water bottle from my chemical romance and I was about 6 inches away from touching him ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

kimberlylynn182 July 12 2005, 16:20:27 UTC
"True punk-rock fans are up near the stage at a concert, taking a beating for the band they love..."
Warped Tour kicked ass!!!!! I had so much fun too. The pictures actually turned out really well...Have a good day today, you sexy biotch. I'll call yuo when I get off work. :)
-Support the colon, Meghan-
Lol. I love us.


HELL YEA!!! meghaneve July 12 2005, 22:27:15 UTC
sounds good!
while your working away, I'm gonna be right here online looking for more tour dates and concerts. I was thinking that maybe when we go to cali for a roadtrip we could maybe catch a concert down there too!
talk to ya later tonight!


kimberlylynn182 July 13 2005, 21:51:50 UTC
Meghan smells. Please bathe.


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