
Apr 05, 2006 17:29

In my Yoga class, my instructor recently discussed with us the value of expressing raw emotion. Particularly after the past year or so, this resonated with me. And echoed off a collection of trapped feelings.

In many cases, speaking your stress back to its source helps you release it. That stress is then, in effect, returned to whence it came and not yours to own. Unspoken, that stress is internalized, pressed down, wrung tight. If you let it, it will simply sit and weigh you down. Or it mutates, growing larger than life each day, blinding you from inside and distorting your perception of what really is. And suddenly you look within and you have become an unwilling host. Blasphemy has been cast upon your body's temple and at the crux of it all you are weakened, taken ill. All because the actions of another were too thoughtless, too careless. And you're afraid to lose more by speaking up for what remains of you.

Hm. That was more intense than originally intended. Perhaps it should be. But it was all in all to say:

Tell other people how it feels when their actions hurt you.

It may be less painful in the long run.


That said, a few of my stresses are locked away. I wish I hadn't kept them. For several, they are far too ripe to address, at least in the original manner that I should have dealt with them. And I am tired of feeling defeated by their presence.

Here on in, I resolve to practice my way to achieving that fine balance between diplomacy and raw emoting in the moment. The only combination that will serve to free me of the stresses yet to come. The practical way of implementing the idea that, indeed, I am rubber and you are glue.

But for the stresses of here and now, this I say to you--you are no longer welcome here. It is by the following that I should have released you long ago:

While I understand that you yourself were stressed, your words were very hurtful to me. As I respected you, I feel you in turn owed me more respect than to say such things. I can't help but feel a little bit betrayed.

Although this entry includes the more intimate nature of my feelings, I leave it unlocked. Why? Because the stresses I release have places to flee, places in several nooks and corners of the living world, outside of friends' lists and servers.

To note, though this release may not relate to you at all, I'd like it to give us all some pause, myself included. On the things we say of each other. On words we should anticipate in return, even if they aren't shared. On how much healthier we can be with more careful honesty.

And we don't need Yoga to tie us in knots to learn this. We're capable of that on our own.
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