This happened about 15 years ago and I still cry when I think of it. Time to write a poem.
Gold stream cascades down the steep hillside
above Highway 18, bursts over and around
a boulder, zooms around the final curve
of the long, steep driveway, splashes in a double
rooster tail from the front wheel of the
SUV, lies in shining puddles on the road -
such small puddles for such an exuberant run.
The driver ahead sees the hit and the two of us
a couple curves behind saw the whole thing and maybe
the driver couldn't see the blind driveway but
does the SUV stop? No, just tailgates as
the driver ahead slows down so
the driver behind speeds up bracketing
the perp who tries to pass but is pinned.
Maybe they won't force the SUV off the road but
someone will follow and at least you know
someone got the license number and description.
Some critters (you know the sort) should be
drowned the day they are whelped.