So I finally have time to post about my recent trip to Belgium. I thought the best way to do it was through the awesome pictures I have. So enjoy!
YEA BRUSSELS! It was such a beautiful city. *sigh*
See it snows in Belgium too...but somehow it is different...hmmm
A really nice park right near our hotel.
Picture #1 of Tommy fake making out...this time with Angela
Tommy loved this store so much.
Picture # 2 of Tommy fake making out...this time with me...and under the famous statue of "The Boy Peeing" very appropriate.
Jamie and I enjoy a good old fashion Belgian Waffle...from a truck.
Picture #3 of Tommy fake making out...this time with Jamie...and next to the weirdest ad EVER!
Wow Tommy looks just like that guy.
Spinning into Butter: The Musical....we are so silly.
What the hell is Tommy doing...who cares he rocks.
Picture #4 of Tommy fake making out...this time with Giselle...he made out with the llama was hot.
This is Marc and I being serious.
This is Marc and I being silly....honestly I think this is the best picture of the trip. I love it. Mainly because Marc is so hot and his accent is so sexy. :-P
This picture goes out to Erin Doyle...she is hot and I missed her like whoa...
A church we visited in Germany. I love this picture. Just the way the light reflects and the gold and such. It's cool.
I *heart* painted ceilings.
The Canadians serenaded us one night with "Fuck her Gently" by Tenacious D. It was a highlight and that guy is so cute and he had an awesome voice.
Pretty Liege....How I miss you.
Pretty were so amazing and medieval.
Jamie and I were Spinning....not into butter...but spinning nonetheless.
This picture is so creepy. I swear I was taking a picture of the statue not that creepy creepy guy....
PARTY TIME! This was me with my Algerian boyfriend...he was so cute and spoke so little English.
This is Liam. He is from South Africa. Killer.
What are Steve and I doing??? Seriously. It's still funny though. :-P
And last but not least Marc giving me a much needed back message. Did I mention that he was awesome...yeah I probably did. Oh well.
There you go folks. If you want more details than that ask me. Believe me I could talk for hours.