Alright, while some of you may choose not to participate, I'm hoping that is not the case... I know it's a "word post," so I apologize at the outset for falling prey to my own defaults. However, since I received only 2 posts outside of my own on the last entry, I would greatly enjoy seeing some more interaction this time 'round. Okie dokie, here
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Comments 5
Main Entry: stress
Part of Speech: noun 2
Definition: pressure
Synonyms: affliction, agony, alarm, albatross, anxiety, apprehensiveness, burden, clutch, crunch, disquiet, disquietude, distention, draw, dread, expectancy, extension, fear, fearfulness, ferment, flutter, force, hardship, hassle, heat, impatience, intensity, misgiving, mistrust, nervous tension, nervousness, oppression, overextension, passion, protraction, pull, restlessness, spring, strain, stretch, tautness, tenseness, tension, tensity, tightness, traction, trauma, trepidation, trial, urgency, worry
Antonyms: relaxation
from companionable, meaning: marked by, conducive to, or suggestive of companionship; sociable
synonyms- social, convivial, sociable
another word
dichotomy - noun
something with seemingly contradictory qualities
the online merriam-webster thesaurus found no synonyms
I kind of did this backwards because I needed a new word to reflect the way I feel so this is the new word.
Definition - to loudly express displeasure; to bellow, roar, howl
My "brilling" needs to be done towards an unnamed institution.
Synonym - since the word brill is the synonym for many other words and since does not even recognize the word, I suppose I shall give you the normal meaning, or as close as I could come up with...brill = boisterous venting!
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