Spoilers for 1x13, "End of Days"

Jan 02, 2007 12:42

Thoughts while rewatching.

Did Gwen nick Owen's purple sheets?

I love Gwen teasing Rhys. He's such a normal person - the only one left in her life. Good thing the Retcon hasn't worn off. I still think he'll put on his "pulling" shirt one day and it'll all come back to him. Enough of his butt, though. Strategically placed coffeemaker is pretty funny.

UFOs at the Taj Mahal, lol! Thanks, Chris, for the "end of days" anvil. ::eye roll::

GD-L does a nice vicar impersonation.

The name "Chris Chibnall" doesn't exactly fill me with hope.

Owen is still nursing his shoulder, and Tosh still has the 1941 bandage, so this is the next day? Oh, shit, the Rift is opening up in Houston! Hope notreallyjordan is okay. Owen gets scolded by Dad. "You caused the temporal cracks to widen." That's about as bad as it gets. Owen lashes out at Jack in response because he's so guilty. Even when Jack says he's certain it's not the end of the world. "Shut up, Owen." Go, Tosh! And go Gwen. "All your staff have feelings, Jack - even Owen." "Well, you would know." OW.

"Would you rather be stuck in World War II?" Well, yeah, Gwen, he would.

Hooray for PC Andy! "Hi! Any time you feel like talking sense..."
"All right, Mulder and Scully..." HAHAHAHAHAHA!

Exuberant Roman Soldier. Hee. Jack wears the lighted part of his headset rather high. As Claudia Black once said, it does show off your cheekbones more that way.

Andy knows that smile. Good for him. Let's have more PC Andy.

The Casualty doctor is in quite a state. EWW on the skin diseases. Nice makeup job. Owen knows he's just brought the Black Death upon Cardiff. Unlike Ianto, who comes unglued in situations like this, he pulls it together and gets a regimen started. "Well done, House." "You scared enough yet? 'Cause fuck knows I am!"

What exactly did Tosh's mother die of? That cut on her head doesn't look especially fatal. Pretty subtitles, and a nice dissolve away from the mother.

The Rift Manipulator. Maybe Ianto should name it something. "Rift Gift?"

"Have I ever let you down?" Oh, Jack. So many times.

It's Bilis. Same cravat. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Just like the Doctor. Hmm.

Looks like Ianto has the New Improved Weevil spray. Pity he doesn't have Dead Cyberwoman spray. What is up with Lisa's earrings? They're bigger than her head.

Tosh trying to cover Owen's ass. Nice move, making him sound much better at it than he is.

"I suggest you LEAD us." Owen knows that Jack's got nothing.

Tosh knows that Owen is right on top of things. Jack fires Owen! Gwen is right about needing to stick together. A PLAGUE is breaking out, so you fire the doctor? WTF? Great plan.

The idea of Jack coming after Owen with Retcon, enough Retcon to wipe out the last few YEARS, is just too awful. Jack's had that done to him. Where does it end?

Owen in the corridor waiting for the lift broke my heart. Killed me DED. When he had to choose which button to press, I started crying and didn't stop for ten minutes. I'm still shaken on the second viewing.

Bilis' shop looks a lot like the antiques store in Dead Again. Let's hope he doesn't have HIS mother stashed in a back room.

Why is Gwen surprised that an antiques store has things that go back centuries? Hello?

If Bilis can see within the whole of history, then why doesn't he know what's going to happen after the Rift opens? He knows exactly which of Gwen's buttons to push. What an awful thing to show her, far worse than the visions the others have.

Rhys cleans the oven. He's too good to live. Gwen pulls a taser? Retcon first, taser second? Is she going to learn at some point that the tech stuff + Rhys = certain disaster.

Owen found a new bar. A blue bar. And we get Diane's music over the music in the bar, very nice. She's not just gone, she's "lost" and she needs him. It's still not as cruel as what Bilis showed Gwen, and I think it should've been sequenced in the middle of the three visions rather than the end.

Rhys is in a weevil cell. Poor guy. Gwen, whenever you try to change the future you end up making things worse. Give it up.

Gwen's going to keep an eye on Rhys in the cell. How exactly did Jack help Gwen bring Rhys to the Hub? Did he follow her? "I can still feel Rhys' blood on my hands." "Not gonna happen." Yeah, Jack, I'm buying it.

Stabbed him TWICE? Bilis, you're a bastard. Nice Psycho violin music in the death scene. The buzzer sounds like "murder...murder..."

Eve was amazing in the discovery scene. Totally believable hysteria. My heart just broke for her when she screamed and Jack started to cry. And then he washed the blood off her hand while she stared at Rhys' body in the morgue. Beautifully lit scene, and nice use of Gwen's music.

"The way you dealt with that porter, first time I met you? No. You won't 'deal' with him, Ianto." Ouch.

No one can look her in the eye, but they all ache for her. Her voice when she says they all end up alone, but not her...it's a tone we've never heard, broken and dark. "You bring him back." Screaming and crying in Jack's arms, but she doesn't hold him back.

Owen. "Oh, shit!" I'm assuming he knows what Rhys looked like? Or can he tell because of how Gwen is responding in the two-shot of her and Jack? Poor, lovestruck Tosh: "You came back!" Hello, inappropriate? Owen wants to comfort Gwen but naturally she screams for him not to touch her. He can't touch her, but he can END this - he can open the Rift again.

I love the wounded animal noise Eve makes.

"Make sure you stop him." "No." WOW!

Why was Jack's gun on the floor in the first place, by the way?

Wow, Jack, way to call out everyone on your staff! The gun is a nice touch. "Final warning," my ass, like he could shoot Gwen no matter how angry he is at her. "'Cause you're so in love with Rhys that you spend half your time in Owen's bed." GO GWEN, punch him!

"We're relieving you of your duty, Captain." Oh, Jack, don't tempt him. Ianto and Tosh, great reaction shots, and beautiful music and camera angles. Love how red everyone's eyes are in the retina scans, and how Gwen and Owen look at each other when he scans her.

The ankle grab scared me! Carrie rising from the grave! Owen is pretty freaked out. Ooh, the watertower IS the rift machine! Cool! Ianto has the presence of mind to take Jack's coat. That cracked me up for some reason. Love the disappear effect on Rhys' body.

Good thing that the set dressers have until spring to fix the Hub set. Loved the cracked sidewalk, too.

Define "normal," Gwen.

Okay, Big CGI Monsters don't work for me. I loved everything before and after this bit, but I'm So. Sick. Of. CGI. Monsters.

Whoever decided on the crucifixion imagery when Jack fights off the monster should be barred from filmmaking for all eternity. Seriously, WE GET IT.

Hey, if the Doctor is God and Jack is Jesus...and Gwen does the Pietá pose...only she's no virgin.

Too much makeup on JB at the beginning of the fight. It makes his eyes look so weird that it's a distraction.

Rhys lives! It would've made more sense for Gwen to have kept that sacrifice forever, but I do love Rhys so much and I hope she treats him better. Not screwing Owen would be a good place to start.

John Barrowman has knobby knees, but his arms are beautiful.

Poor Ianto, cleaning Jack's office and sniffing his coat. I totally did that with my dad's jacket after he died.

The body's been in the morgue for "days" yet there's no rigor mortis or decomposition? How cold IS it in the room? Also, did anyone else notice that Jack's drawer is 007? LOLOL!

If you believe in Harkness, then clap your hands. Sorry, couldn't resist. And of course his first words to her are "Thank you." Even "mostly dead," he's still a gentleman.

Love Tosh's reaction shot. Ianto! So sweet, trying for the handshake before Jack pulls him for a hug. Owen watching Jack come back to them - you see so much going across his face even if you're distracted by the Jack/Ianto kiss.

Oh, the Prodigal is forgiven. Owen breaking down in Jack's arms was so competely beautiful. Jack doesn't even make him get past the first word. Superb blocking with the others looking on. If there hadn't been a second series, that's the shot I'd have ended with.

Weird makeup at the edge of JB's face in the office scene, like they're shading in his jawline. He can't be THAT hard to make up - the man has such gorgeous bone structure.

"The right kind of Doctor." Cue TARDIS noise.

Guess the kitchen got destroyed and they had to go to Starbucks. LOL!

Hello, hand! Your original owner is getting close. Jack knows where he's going and he's so happy - have we seen him smile like that in weeks?

Nice product placement with the Starbucks logos.

So now the four of them are left to fight off aliens without Jack - or to try to find Jack, and good luck with that.

Nifty superhero movie music as we see our last aerial view of Cardiff.

I, for one, can't wait to see how they pull it all together. I even forgive Rusty for those vague and inaccurate spoilers he leaked. I forgive you.

If it's good enough for Jack, it's good enough for me.
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