Can't help spamming that list of mine.
Tosh directs traffic from the Hub. She probably gets a laugh out of Gwen outrunning Owen.
Those Converse sneakers sure do burn up the road!
Gwen loses the guy but gets the gizmo. If the first rule of Torchwood is "Don't Mess With the Rift," then SURELY #2 should be "Don't Press That Button!"
Gwen presses the button, and summons up a ghostly little boy.
Jack didn't break a sweat but Owen looks like he's going to hurl.
Gwen knows what she said, and said what she meant. The vision was right there, one hundred percent.
Dude, Jack, "As if," is, like, so 1998.
Last week, Ianto used his eyes. This week, Owen used the phone book. I'm so glad Torchwood uses its funding wisely.
Gwen demotes Owen. Owen: Eyeroll.
The little boy is now an old man, and we could've gotten along just fine if this scene had been half as long.
Rhys can't figure out the washer. Poor guy. He snarks at Gwen. Go Rhys.
You have to wonder who the other people are on this list.
Jack makes a cute secretary.
Owen plays a video game. Was this scavenged from the Rift?
Jack talks with his mouth full. Ewwww, Jack.
Ianto is disgusted. Also, he knows how to make Splott sound classy.
"But Daaaaad, we couldn't get our chores done!"
This isn't funny at all. It scared the crap out of me then and it still does.
Anything that can get Owen that shaken up is pretty scary.
Tosh gets all hot and bothered about the gizmo, aka "exposition time!"
Owen could use some exposition about rules of evidence.
Jack sends Owen to his room home. 'Cause no one in Torchwood ever got in trouble at home.
Owen takes home some light reading.
Jack takes Gwen for target practice. It's a relief to know he doesn't kill spiders in the bath with a gun.
There are going to be a lot of photos from this scene. I don't think too many of you will be upset. Not as upset as Jack, in any event.
"The target's that way." Hee.
Forearms. Oh my.
You know, Gwen, if you keep missing, he'll just stand there and hold you until you get it right...
Gwen needs a cigarette. Jack looks smug.
BOTH forearms. ::dissolves into puddle of goo::
Hands. Lovely, lovely hands.
Screw gun control. I'm now in favor of mandatory target practice.
Forearm AND cheekbones. JB, you're killin' me, here.
"Uh, Eve, you've just shot the 2nd AD..."
If Gwen could see what we see, she wouldn't be so keen to get home. I'm just sayin'.
Poor Jack, left with just the empty shell casings and torn-up pictures of Weevils.
Poor Gwen, home to an empty apartment with nothing to do. Oh, I know - how about playing with the alien tech again?
After a delightful trip down memory lane with a stapler, Gwen gets to snog Rhys some more.
Welcome to Owen's apartment: minimalist decor, maximal wreckage.
It's nice to know that the car was released without further questioning.
Manly men don't need glasses.
Owen has a lot of business cards for when he wants to get into other peoples' business.
Heeeeeere's Owen!
Whoa. Blake's not holding up too well.
"Ianto would like his beaded curtains back."
Owen even manages to look snarky just by sitting down.
Clean hands.
Dirty hands.
Relaxed hands.
Tense hands.
NOT having a good day.
Good thing Bernie has a limitless supply of hoodies.
Neighbor: Eyeroll.
"Now that I've cornered you, let's have a pint."
"We're probably the only people you CAN tell." I bet you say that to all the thieves, Jack.
Bernie totally pwns Torchwood. "You don't want the other half, then?"
Gwen finds alien artifacts at Bernie's apartment. Owen finds a can of beans and shares this discovery with Tosh. Owen is 12, evidently.
It's so nice to know that Gwen is learning her lesson about not playing with things that tell the future. Friends List: Eyeroll.
When OWEN thinks you're being reckless, that's saying something.
Gwen gets detention. Gwen: Lots of things you could do with an egg timer.
Owen tells Tosh what he's really been up to. Only he has to get her a drink, first.
And the nickel drops for Owen!
Gwen has an ongoing problem holding on to prisoners. Bye-bye, Bernie.
Ed Morgan hasn't been outside in years. Evidently, he hasn't had a bowel movement in even longer.
Owen gets the knife. Jack gets annoyed.
Gwen has a knack for being able to get weapons away from Owen. THIS IS IMPORTANT, just not for a while.
"Have you betrayed us? Have you" (sorry, wrong show)
Owen plays doctor.
By the look on Gwen's face, Owen was not entirely successful.
Coughs and sneezes spread diseases.
"I've just seen next week's script. I need a drink."
Jack can make it all better.
No, really. He can.
Next up - CYBERWOMAN, the episode that almost made me quit watching the show. Imagine the fun!