TW Picspam #4 - Cyberwoman

Jan 17, 2007 12:39

If you liked this episode, you might want to avoid this picspam.

Ianto's tie is askew. This is code for "I bet something's wrong."

Illegal but very cute move.

Myfanwy gets to play, too. This is IMPORTANT.

Someone got a little happy with the Torchwood Label Maker.

They never let poor Ianto/Join in any reindeer games.

Note the sign on the wall. Heh.

Owen is a bad sport.

This is the one thing on the whole set that doesn't have the Torchwood brand.

They go out for drinks and wear shades. I want that job.

Jack doesn't think Ianto eats enough vegetables. I so do not want to know any more about this. Also, who orders COLESLAW from a pizza place???

Walk this way.

I started laughing right here and didn't stop for five minutes.

Whoa. He wants to hit that.

Watch out for the pointy helmet, Ianto.

And Chris Chibnall goes on my hit list.

It's a cyber-outie!

And right there is where I ceased to care about this guy.

"It could be vasculitis. Or Lupus." Sorry, wrong show.

I hope Jack buys the drinks, because he seems to monopolize the conversation.

I can't believe Gwen will still drink anything that Jack's been within two miles of.

Along with the Brazilians, Ianto has also done a lot of eyebrow plucking on Lisa.

Owen doesn't think Tosh's little feet can reach the pedals. Tosh: Bite me. Also, a LOT of time has elapsed since they went out for a drink.

This is what I'd like to do to the costume designer.

JB pleads to be allowed to pee on the script. BG calls his agent.

Ianto doesn't lie well.

If it hadn't been for the copping a feel thing, I'd feel a little bad for this guy.

The relationship isn't all Ianto had expected.

There are boring aliens on the screen, yet the team looks more diverted by them than I am by this episode.

That's beautiful Welsh Vowels, you perverts.

I heart flashlights.

Okay, they have CCTV for every freaking inch of Torchwood, yet Ianto's been keeping Lisa in the cellar for HOW long?

Jack is pissed at footage showing Ianto opening a bed and breakfast in the Hub.

Owen is terrified of the Cyberbed. And if something's too kinky for Owen...

Don't mock the Cyberbra, beeyotch.

"You're a WOMAN!" No duh, Jack.

Edward Scissorhands wants his little brother back.

All the power of Torchwood is in ONE little lever.

"Sod off." We know how you feel, hon.

Good thing Owen's so light, like a girlie.

Jack resists the urge to shoot. We still don't know why.

Ianto is pretty clueless for someone who can tie a tie so well.

"You don't know what you've done." Is that directed at Ianto or Chibnall?

"I'm...disgusting." And your agent? SO fired.

Lisa sends Ianto flying and he goes "splat." Although I believe estate agents call it "splah."

Tosh's assignment is to hook up two glowsticks to some wires. Anyone else think Jack is just messing with her head?

Hey, it's that gizmo!

Proximity alert!

Jack has a LOT of teeth.

He didn't say it was a BRILLIANT idea...

These boots are made for stompin'...

Last kiss for the condemned man. About to be embarrassing.

Jack's kiss can bring Ianto back from Splah.

Don't ask, don't tell.

Please turn off all cell phones and other electronic devices...

Hello, Rhys! You're cute but you watch crap tv.

"Bit embarrassing, seeing as how we haven't been killed."

Tosh is afraid she'll break a nail.

A Torchwood Barbecue!

Me: Eyeroll.

Ianto: ::is pissed::

Pizza girl should be wearing a red shirt.

Ianto's got a gun!

Jack's got a gun!

Gwen's got hold of Jack's bicep! Gwen, for the win!

There's no coleslaw. NOW things are gonna turn ugly.

Lisa's helmet is on. This would be important if I'd still been looking for anything remotely resembling common sense.

Okay. Lisa transplanted her brain into Pizzagirl's

Scaly kettles make Ianto cry.

That's about the best-looking firing squad on earth.

Jack has a split lip, yet he can still talk just fine.

Sorry about that, boss.

Don't mention it. Ever.

Bye-bye, aerial shots of Jack and Gwen to close out the episodes.

Trash is an excellent metaphor.


I liked the rest of the season. Really.


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