I'm not dead!

May 13, 2008 20:54

I was sick... sicker than sick. Practically rendered lifeless! I was fine that morning. I got up, went to babysit my sisters coworkers kids (I really hope they didn't catch it but how could I have known?) Anyway, we ordered pizza over there for lunch and right after I ate I felt kinda off. I couldn't put a finger to it, then 3 hours later I came home with 40 bucks in my pocket and a nauseous feeling in my stomach. I thought I had gotten food poisoning or something. It was terrible. 6 hours of pure hell that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. Anyway by Sunday night I was great, a little weak but well over the worst bit. And I could hold down solid food! YAY! :-)

Oh.. and about that guy from church. Turns out his mothers wish for mothers day was for him to come to church and meet me! LOL! And wouldn't you know it, I was sick! *hehee* So now he's off to India or some such place and won't be back again for a while. Gramz kept saying that his mom and dad kept singing me praises the whole time. (he's gonna think I'm some saint or something lol... can you say FALSE impression! LOL! ) I would have met him, had it not been for being sick. Honestly! :-) Who knows.. if fate puts him there again, I just might. lol

On to TV! *dances* YAY!!!!!!!!!

Bones was WONDERFUL!! Even though the ending was sad and all, we got to see Emily act with pure brilliance.. and throughout the ep we got to see how close they have gotten and how it is apparent to everyone, including miss stalker who was a stranger.

House was ok. I find myself going EITHER BRING CAM AND CHASE BACK OR DON'T! I'm sick of this one scene crap they keep pulling. I don't care about those stupid scenes where House happens to go to the ER and see her.. I DON'T CARE YOU HEAR ME! hehe. I want to see meaningful scenes! I want Cam back. *stompsfoot* Can you tell my favorite part of the show is h/c? I can't help it, it's just that way. And I don't think I need to even bring up that "scene which will not be named" with Cuddy. Ugh!!! You could tell that the actress was really enjoying it, she has been a house/cuddy fan since the beginning. BLECK! *crosses fingers for amazing h/c scene in finale* A girl can hope can't she?!

DW was pretty great. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I LOVE DONNA! And the end scene was SO SAD! But was I the only one throughout the entire ep that kept asking the screen "HOW DO THE CHILDREN FROM THE MACHINE COME OUT WITH TONS OF MAKEUP ON?!" lol Regardless it was a really great ep and I loved seeing the doctor-as-father scenario. Can't wait for the next ep...

CSI Miami ... what can I say. I think I watch for comedic relief nowadays. LOL. Man... Horatio is just so over the top now, the actor MUST be doing it on purpose. He just must. And I was for the Cal/Eric thing at first but when I was watching that scene in the locker room I just got this weird off feeling. I don't know. I think my H/C ship trumps my c/e one at this moment. But you never know.. it could change like the weather. lol One thing though, I'm sick of the preview making the story out to be something it isn't. They made the preview look like it would be a cal-centered ep, but it wasn't. ugh!

Well.. I'm off to maybe catch up on SVU. Or just to hang out and enjoy not having any eminent homework looming over my head. If you got this far, I commend you. LOL! You are a strong soul indeed. :-)


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