Gosh I'm such a mix of emotions right now, I don't even know what to say. I was really happy, but feeling to sad for the original doctor that it overshadowed it a bit. Poor Doctor!! But at least Rose has someone now.. and he's Doctor-esque. :-) Same thoughts and memories and they'll age together.
So I guess I'm happy for Rose, but sad for the Doctor. Rose got her Doctor (in a sense) but the Doctor didn't his Rose. *tear* It's all so perplexing!
And I couldn't forget Donna!! POOR DONNA! She looked so sad before he took her thoughts because she knew what was coming. He put his fingers to her temples and she kept saying "NO DON'T!" I don't care what anyone says.. Catherine Tate is brilliant at drama... *tear* I sure do love Donna's grandpa though... his little send off "i'll remember you on her behalf" *sniffle* So sweet!!
I'm still a little confused at why they had to go back to the parallel universe though, I kept thinking at Bad Wolf Bay "take Rose and leave human!Doctor there with someone that Rose knew or something. Just leave him there and TAKE ROSE WITH YOU!!!" Oh well, I guess it turned out ok, definitely didn't see that coming though I can tell you that! At least the human!Doctor will be able to remember all of the memories with Rose and they can reminisce over a nice cup of tea. :-)
And this will most definitely spurn an uprising of Rose/human!Doctor fic! So bring it on writers!! :-) I'd love to read it!