So my 12 year old sister asks me to come into the office today, she says she wants to show me something she made. I walk in to find The Doctor and Rose looking at me from the computer screen. :-) She made her first graphic and it just happened to be Doctor Who of course! I must have some influence on her. lol So I thought I'd share it with you...
Isn't it purrrrdy!? I'm so proud! I told her that I liked the way that the 2 sad images of Rose and The Doctor are on the outside edges, like they are remembering when they were together like in the middle image. *tear* So sad! She doesn't think it's that good, but I told her that if she keeps practicing and experimenting with things in photoshop, she will only get better and better. So I'm just going to keep encouraging her to practice, and I have already warned her to watch out because Photoshop is an addiction. :-)