well hello clare, it sure is nice to know what you really think about me, even if it did take honest curiosity to find out, ie, reading yout journal cos im bored! i didnt tell anyone you came on to you at your party and it was phil that said something to me about handcuffs. also, you lied (yet again) you told me you dont like jon in that way cos hes your 'best friend'(sorry jon) also i dont insult you all the time and also again, why dont you tell me any of this? by the way people if you havnt guessed allready i am the person with a short name beginiing in s and ending and m (and it has nothing to do with any sado-masichistic practises..... alex!)
i have a question for you, and its meant with no hostility at akll, but do you actually understand, or well, even begin to comprehend how much youve hurt me in the last 4 months? maybe jon is just your friend but just through reading the comments you leave for each other, it seems as if you like him alot more than you let on.and hey maybe you do but some honesty would be nice. And btw, i dont lie. theres just alot of people that donty like me and tend top twist everysingle word thats ever uttered from my mouth in conjunction with my pathetic head that see's it as an impossible task to get over someone who never loved me anyway.
thats what i have to say, christ i.t. is boreing.
the guy with a short name starting with s and ending in m.
Re: question
March 23 2004, 04:34:05 UTC
by the way sorry if that seems harsh, dont use it as an excuse to go off on one of your 'oh lets ignor samus for several days cos he spoke his mind and needed to get something off his chest'
I never ignore you for several days on end. i just need my own space sometimes, well a lot of the time because people actually don't know how i feel at the moment. Just because i don't appreciate at least 5 hugs a day EVERY day doesn't mean that i'm ignoring you. you lie as much as everyone else does, and if you say you don't then you lie more than everyone else. Stop your niggling (thanx shel) End of ranting.
Re: question
March 25 2004, 06:00:04 UTC
yea well im sorry that im obviously so much lower in social standings than you and that i like to hug you, its not my fault that i love you as much as i do and believe i wish i didnt cos it would make both mine and your lives alot easier but the bottom line is that i do and nothing is ever gona change that! i love you clare, and whether you choose to believe it or not is entirely up to you but like i said to you on the phone, it was your choice and if we ddint get back together then im fairly sure without wanting to sound like i have my head stuck up my arse that we would miss out on oppertunities to spend nights together like at rows house, think about it, both 16, no parental laws, no skool just free time... does that not appeal to you? im perfectly willing to make an effort, i know i treated you like shit for a while i guess i just took you for granted cos i never really spend much time with you outside of skool, but im perdfectly willing to make the effort to make you happy, i dunno what i love more.... you or the prospect of
( ... )
Comments 8
by the way people if you havnt guessed allready i am the person with a short name beginiing in s and ending and m (and it has nothing to do with any sado-masichistic practises..... alex!)
maybe jon is just your friend but just through reading the comments you leave for each other, it seems as if you like him alot more than you let on.and hey maybe you do but some honesty would be nice.
And btw, i dont lie. theres just alot of people that donty like me and tend top twist everysingle word thats ever uttered from my mouth in conjunction with my pathetic head that see's it as an impossible task to get over someone who never loved me anyway.
thats what i have to say, christ i.t. is boreing.
the guy with a short name starting with s and ending in m.
+hé RéGÉ<+eD
Stop your niggling (thanx shel)
End of ranting.
Clare xxx
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