I hate this goddamn state. All I want to do is register my car. This is not hard. Or, at least, it shouldn't be. But oh no, it has to be fraught with insane lists, Catch-22s, ridiculous documentation, and a BAN ON REGISTERING ON SATURDAY.
Yes, so, ok, a lot of this is my fault for leaving it til the last minute, but jesus, people, you could really write these website to be a whole lot more clear. So I have to take off work Monday morning to get this done now. Fuckerty fuck.
On a completely different topic altogether, somebody left me a spot on my Google map thingy. Who was you? I must know. :D
Toodles is getting along really well with the neighbor dogs. The three chows all want to play with him and he wants to play with them as well. No freaking out or anything. The big black dog, Lila, and he get along, but Toodles' whole body is the same size as her head, and she's really energetic, so it's been tense when they try to play, as Toodles ends up a little trampled. But he doesn't freak out and that's good. Maybe they'll be ok in the distant future when we get a doggy.
Fun Fun Fun.