Jan 16, 2007 19:18
Man. City driving is the pits. I ran two red lights today, got cut off about three times and a squirrel almost ran into the Explorer. But I need a license, so I'm trying not to complin. Quincy certainly isn't like Carver, that is certain.
Now I am awaiting my Lo Mein and Saba. :3
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Comments 4
<33333 Thank god I wasn't there when you were driving!!
Well, I'm a terrible driver, what am I saying? I've nearly killed atleast 5 people :<
Hahahah. I love you maaaan! Talk to you soon hun! Drop me a line whenever! I'd love to hear from you.
I'm a granny on the road. People almost kill ME when I'm driving. Heeey, I'm almost always on AIM (when school isn't biting me in the ass or playing Joe's Wii, lol. Hybrid Rainbow 0, still.
Talk to ya latah, G.
I can't wait to get a Wii -_-;; They're beautiful with the new Zelda, I died when I saw that in stores and I can't play it.. Because I'm a poor peep. Lol
My AIM is KabukiCH0 if you didn't have it! Talk to you soon
BELIEVE me, if I weren't a poor-ass motherfucker either, I'd get a wii in a heartbeat. Wait until I tell you the story (yes, there is a story) on how we got the wii. It's incredible. But I'll save that for another time, because I have Bio homey-work I have yet attended to.
Catcha later!
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