YIPPEE!!! PICS!! ok so here are some pics i took while visiting my new niece and monica and braden in the hosiptal...enjoy them...i'm sure when monica gets home and has time she'll do the rest
So where is Auntie Ro holding the little one? C'mon, kiddo, give. Seriously. They are sweet pics. At least email the one I really liked? *puppy dog eyes*
um...er...yeah...about not posting those ones... <=( but dont worry when i get the chance you can one =) i'm just gonna make you wait cuz i'm evil >=) *kidding* when i get the chance too...
LOL that's soo tragic! you would think that they'd let you. you should go back and do it again so you can wear them. =) no but seriously i think the reason braden did was cuz it was a c-section and the baby spent most of the time in the nursery where noone but w/the band around their wrist was allowed in there but there could of been other reasons as well...who no's...
Comments 6
what a cutie! She looks familiar, but i'm not sure who she looks like...
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