WELL WELL IF ANY OF YOU CARE...I decided to get up the nerve and go to the slaughterhouse. Of course, my whole family is like "oh yeah yeah, good idea! LETS GO!" oh jeeezuuusss. So my whole dysfunctional family headed out on a trip to the Marlboro Abandoned Slaughterhouse. (Of course, we had to go at dusk. Creepy walking home in the dark.)
Me before our journey, yes I was quite determined to get a move on.
The long and winding road to "Allen Road" That would be the blocked off road that leads to the slaughterhouse. Yes, I love to trespass!!
This is Boundary Road, looking in the direction of the slaughterhouse. OH WHAT A BEAUTIFUL SUNSET.
It was a house, possible Mr. Allen's (Slaughterhouse owner) House
Scared yet? I wasn't. I RUSHED forwards, camera in hand like some sort of annoying tourist.
It looks like there is a light on, but its just from the sunset.
Looks like this house hasnt weathered well.
Yum mold...who wants some?
I walked around front to find the house had no front!!
We continued up Allen road in search of the slaughterhouse
We found a shed...but continued on.
A silo, I see it every morning from boundary road. It was kind of spooky but we continued down the hill to the building below it.
The building below it...was it the slaughterhouse we wondered?
Nope, it was a barn. They must have kept bigger animals in these stalls.
So we journeyed back to Allen road and we saw another house!
That definetly wasn't the slaughterhouse so we continued our walk along allen road.
THen after about a 15 minute walk we came to a road...and the slaughterhouse was up it!
An old holding pen for maybe chickens or something.
Up close you kind of got that spooky vibe but it was really cool. It looks REALLY dark inside...
From the outside you could see these exposed rooms easily
Yup, I guess Weg is dead, and also ten other people or so the grafitti claimed ;)
We walked around back and I took a nice black and white for you
We continued to walk around and we came to "death row" it was all the pens the animals stayed in before they were slaughtered. A big dirt pile was put in front of the back entrance into death row but there are other ways in.
I took a pic through a hole from an outside pen into an inside pen for you so you could see a little into the inside.
Here was one of the many entrances inside
Inside the closed off room from above. NIce rafters.
Then we went back around front and climbed through the high door shown in the pictures. We entered into this room with TONS of grafitti.
And then...dun dun dun...we turned and entered another room and it was the slaughtering room and the freezer room was there. THAT was creepy enough.
(hah turn your head to the side)
Thats the freezer door. We didnt get through that room because it was getting really dark and we only had one flashlight. SO we didn't go back into death row or anything, we hightailed it out of there. Cailtin did open the freezer door though and inside was a big eye painted on the wall that said "watching you"
Yeah so our walk back was nothing out of ordinary and thats it. I'm going back. I want to go in death row and stuff. I think it will be so cool. I'll go back in the day though because I don't want to get TOO scared. Kay, hope you enjoyed.
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