This is the old entry (around his birthday) but because it was soooooo hilarious I need to share it with my friends XD His entry is about an e-mail he recieved from Yuya. Douzo...
Taken from his
2007-09-13 entry
Mail revelation (*^_^*)
Today is the special introduction of the birthday mail our own ahou(idiot) member; Miyashita Yuuya had mistaken something, so great I don't even understand the meaning of it. Laugh
》》Ryuji has been descended to earth (planet) for already 21 years desu ne.
Happy Birthday!!
It has been a splendid long association. So many things had happened to us na~!
I remember something.
In the older day, while training, you used to get scolded a lot by Oshou-san(1) you had to sneak away and cry dayo na~ 「Don't sleep while meditating!」 was what you always got yelled at. And you even got several fists in the head? (laugh)
「I'll go to the next village to buy some Botamochi(2) 」was what had been said (before you got lost). Involuntarily, all the village people rushed off to find Ryuji.
Eventually, the crying voice of Ryuji was heard and all of the villagers followed the sound to the mountain. Do you remember? On the mountain, there's the God of the mountain's shrine there.
Undoubtedly, I still think that (to be able to find you) was the help of the mountain god.
After that, because 「On(上) the mountain(山), there's Ryuji」, Kamiyama Ryuji(上山竜司 ) has become your name dayo na!
Since then, you have become the relieble leader desu ne!
Next week, with the match against Kameda Kouki(3), gambatte!
Kore kara mo yoroshiku!
Merry Christmas!
1: Oshou-san or 和尚さん is the head of the monks in the temple. Kinda like an abbot or alike.
2: Botamochi or 牡丹餅 is a kind of mochi made form Azuki bean
3: Kamada Kouki is a professional boxer. Here's his official
website I don't know if Yuya is imaginative or plain ahou *_____* But I love this entry!!! If someone send me this kind of e-mail on my birthday, I would probably laugh till I cry XD