Character Application for xi_rpg

Mar 11, 2010 19:11

NAME: Will
AGE: 24
Rinoa, Duo, Hachi, Meiko, and Ranka

NAME: Lin Mei Wan
SERIES/SOURCE: Axis Powers Hetalia
AGE: 16
GENDER: Female
ROLE: Student

Mei Wan's first memories are of the streets. She's never known her birth parents. If you ask her, she'll tell you that she met her father during what she thinks was her fifth year (so far as they can tell). It was a particularly hard year on the streets and it found the young girl struggling to survive as both food and clean water were scarce. When the man who became her father leaned down she knew he was different somehow, special.
Sure enough she came to experience a new world when he picked her up and carried her back to his home. Turns out she wasn't the first orphan he'd taken up to care for as the house was full of other children of all sorts of nationalities and age groups. Despite being weak in frame at the time, Mei-Wan was far from being weak in personality and was soon established in the household.
The household was unique in more ways than just how many children were around, they were also taught to accept that mutants were real and that there was no reason to be afraid of them from their first day in. In fact many of the children were mutants as well as her new father. Mei-Wan didn't think anything of this even from the start as there were many disowned mutants living on the streets of her home town.
So needless to say her life was an exciting one full of loud noises and companionship. She might have fussed about a lack of privacy as she grew older, but deep down Mei loved her home and each one of her adoptive siblings. Then came the day that her father sat her down and explained to her that while she might not have realized it herself, she was indeed a mutant. He tried to explain to her groundworks to use for control, built upon the firm background in martial arts he and several of her brothers had helped instill in the young girl. Still after a while it turned out her ability was growing less controlled the more they worked with it.
Admitting that her gift was severely different from his own, he sent her across the world to Xavier's Institute knowing that there would be people there who could help her reign in her gift. (Or as he was pretty sure was becoming the case wanting to reign in her gift)
Many at first glance think Mei-Wan is a quiet, studious girl who's always super polite, which for the most can't be further from the truth. It's true that she does take her schoolwork very seriously, being the sort of student who will not accept anything lower than an A. Anything else might as well be an F in her mind. Other than that she's surprisingly outspoken when she wants to be, the fact that she's grown up in such a large family obvious. She's fashion conscious and tends to dress in ways that accentuate her looks, but sometimes despite trying to make a good impression, it's hard not to slip back into the tomboy she used to be: always up for some rough and tumble fun with her beloved brothers. She's also surprisingly quick of temper, often exploding quickly if she feels people have slighted her or her family; however, it never lasts long unless the offense was something truly heinous.
She's also something of a shopping junkie. She loves clothes and she loves going to stores to try them on. Even if she doesn't always buy something. (Despite having what seems to her to be nearly unlimited funds her father's rather strict about how much he gives as an allowance.)
Mei-Wan is an attractive girl and she knows it. She's not above playing on her looks if she thinks it'll help her get her way and has often used this when haggling with merchants back home to get lower prices for the things she's wanted.
Her hair is long and dark, falling to just below the curve of her butt. Her eyes are a rich brown that looks almost black sometimes depending upon her mood. She's also in good shape, reminiscent of growing up with a large family where most of them are practitioners of martial arts.
It should also be noted that she almost always has some sort of flower (or flowers) tucked into her hair.
Her main ability lies in Pollen manipulation. Using her ability she can generate pollen (seemingly it comes from herself) that can be used to manipulate a person in much the same way as pheromone manipulation. Naturally with her gift it only works on those who have a sense of smell as it'd be useless on anyone who couldn't smell the pollen for the effects to kick in. (Despite the fact that typically you would think all that would be required was to breath it in which doesn't seem to be the case)
She's also got a minor green touch, used mainly to grow and keep fresh the flowers she wears. If she could do more with it, it's unknown as she's never tried to use it for anything else.
ANYTHING ELSE?: Beside from her mutant ability Mei-Wan is well versed in several forms of martial arts. (Tae Kwon Do, Tai Chi, and Wing Chun being her best forms) She's also extremely good with electronics (computers, cell phones, and etc). The first from raw natural talent and the second due to hard work and lots of studying.

!application, !ooc

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