(no subject)

Mar 05, 2007 01:28

Seriously, like.... WTFH???

Okay... so mister daddy is still alive.
He's being played around with that lady at the "company" who is able to shape shift into any person.
Claire ran away from the Haitian man at the airport only to end up at the door steps of Peter Petrelli's home, to find out that his mother is her grandmother... and her father is... Nate? Haitian man was there too.
Okay... so Mohinder KNOWS that Sylar is Sylar now. He *drugs* him up, but not really. Sylar stopped the IV from inducing any thing into him.
He forced him up on the ceiling with his mind powers.
Peter Petrelli came to see Mohinder to find out what the hell is going on, but gets caught by Sylar.
*dun dun dun* pushed up against the wall, struggling for freedom, Sylar begins to slice his head open. *cue blood dripping on the floor and a lock of hair dropping* X_X!!! I screamed here "NOOO! PETER!!! NOOO! FUCK YOU SYLAR!!!"


Hiro!!!! Ando came back to help him get that sword he *needed*!!! and they accidently went into the future... to only realize they didn't save the *world* on time. X_X!!! Poor Hiro....!!!


Nikki still struggling with Jessica. >=O!!!

Now here's the question - that symbol.
Nikki has the symbol appear on her right shoulder blade as a tattoo when Jessica takes over. The Haitian man has the symbol as his necklace. Now Hiro has the symbol on his sword.

... more to learn soon hopefully? It helps bring out their powers more?

Linderman!?!? Old man? Damn you Linderman, I want him dead. Why couldn't Nate kill him??

.... omfg...

Geez. I was seriously ready to pull my hair out with this episode.

I'm angry and pissed ... especially since Simone died, when in Peter's vision we see she's alive... will she come back?

Isaac painting Peter's future of his head split open, blood streaked out??

Are these events just screwing up what will happen in the future? Does Hiro do something about it all????

Hiro will really be the true Hero!?

... I'm done. *breaths*
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