Magical Fun

Nov 17, 2007 22:24

Here are the blues. :D I tried to dress them based on color, but that didn't work for poor Tucker. The only aqua outfir was uggers as hell. So, uh, he gets a white and green outfit and a grey outfit. Word. I wonder why that is? Muwaha.

Now, before we begin I'd like you all to know that is the only good quality picture you all get. I am so sorry but I had no idea my sister (who owns the sims in my family. We hang out in her room and play together. =D) had crappy settings on. Hell, she didn't even know she had crappy settings on. So, the next time I do this I promise the pictures won't be so shit-tas-tic. I hope you all enjoy none-the-less.

Here's a shot of the house. I just moved them into some pre-made house and my sister expanded on it a bit. Oh uh, and look, it's night time.

But now it's daytime, and here's out first second look at the gang!

Caboose: 50 + 7 = 54300!
Church: Not quite...

Caboose and Church start the day off by talking about math?

Caboose: It does so! Look over there!
Church: Huh?

Church: What the hell are you babbling about?
Caboose: He he he!

Tex: What was that?
Tucker: Who cares. . . .Wanna make out?


Tucker: Fuck this you wanna go to the mall?
Tex: Okay. Sure. Whatever.

Tex: Tucker better not try anything when I put this dress on.

Tex: Because I will kick him so hard he won't be able to have children.

Tucker: Oh Texxx~. He he he.

Church: What the hell was that?
Caboose: I superglued your towel to the bench!
Church:...I fucking hate you.

By the time Tex and Tucker get home, it's the next day and it's snowing!

Caboose: And then E.T. phoned home! I hope one day I can phone his home and we can be BEST FRIENDS but only if he doesn't tryo to steal Church away because then I will have to hurt him!
Tucker:. . .Aliens huh? Hm.

Curious about the aliens, Tucker goes up onto the roof and takes a look at the sky.

Concerned, Church goes to see him.

Tucker assures him nothing is wrong.

But he stays out until the hours of the early morning.

Meanwhile, downstairs, Caboose thinking about his crush, Church.

It looks like Tex shares Caboose's feelings for Church...

Tex: I love you, bastard. <3
Caboose: I love you, Captian Planet. <3
Tex: . . .
Caboose: . . .
Church: Uh...Gotta go, bye!

Tex: HE'S MINE. >O
Tex: So do I!
Caboose: What is it?!
Tex: Cobalt, duh!
Caboose: No! His favorite color is aqua!
Tex: No, that's Tucker's favorite...Wait...What?

Tex: Hey, what's the deal with you and Church?
Tucker: What do you mean?
Tex: I mean, either have gay sex and let me watch, or keep your hands off him!
Tucker: What?
Tex: Ugh! You know? Bow Chicka Bow Wow?

So, Tucker figures he should talk to Church.

Tucker: So, have you noticed that Tex has been acting strange?
Church: How so?
Tucker:...Well she's showering on the roof for one.
Church: You put that shower up here. You put the bed here too.
Tucker: That's for science.
Church: Hunting for aliens is not science.
Tucker: Neither are piggy back rides.
Church:...Lets have sex.
Tucker:...Yeah okay.

Ahem, Bow Chicka Bow Wow!

Tex: I said you two had to let me watch! That's it the engagement is off!
Church: What engagement! Watch? What're you talking about? Tucker what's she talking about?
Tucker: I have no clue, Church. >>; <3

Church: Awh, tex, it's not like that!
Tex: Fuck off, Church!
Church: You don't mean that, you have plus signs over your head!
Tex: Because I'm thinking about how hott is must have been! I couldn't care about you!
Caboose: . . .?

Tex: I'm so heartbroken, Caboose. Hold me.
Caboose: I thinkkk next time you should just uhm...Join them on their pillow fight?
Tex: No. I think we need to make out. The perfect revenge...
Caboose: Wh--
Tex: *smooch*


By the next day, the snow has melted, and Tucker has finally met the aliens.

Caboose: Hey where did Tucker go?
Tex: Who cares? He's a selfish not-porn-filimng bastard.
Caboose:...Who's the yellow chick?
Tex: I have no idea.
Sister: HI! :D

(That's actually just some random girl. o_O;)

Many things happen while Tucker is gone.

Finally he is returned home safely.

But not without consequences.

Tucker: Oh God, I feel sick.
Church: I don't care. I haven't seen you inlike three freaking months. Since Tex won't speak to me and Caboose is Caboose I haven't gotten to make out with anyone. So sit on the couch and lets make out, damnit!

To be continued...

Hopefully I will continue this. We'll see. ;D I think we all know what happens eventually. I hope you all enjoied!
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