Because I'm bored...

Feb 24, 2007 22:21

and for angiejane9

Have you ever
1. smoked a cigarette: Everyday.
2. smoked a cigar: No
3. crashed a friend's car: Nope, no drivers licence yet!
4. stolen a car: no
5. been in love: Yes
6. been dumped: yes
7. done an alcoholic shot: Yeah, couple of times.
8. been fired: Yes
9. been in a fist fight: Yes, I'm a bad girl
10. snuck out of your house: Ahum... See previous question
11. Had feelings for someone who didnt have them back: Jup.
12. been arrested: Smile and wave boys, smile and wave.
13. made out with a stranger: Yeah :')
14. gone on a blind date: Once
15. lied to a friend: yes
16. had a crush on a teacher: No.. Gross.
17. skipped school: Never ;)... Yeah, I skip school most of the time, and get nice grades.
18. seen someone die: Almost.
19. been on a plane: Yes, today, actually.. Too bad it was to leave Ireland, not to go there again!
20. thrown up in a bar: Not that I know of ;)
21. done hard drugs: Yes, but I won't do it again.
22. miss someone right now: I miss a lot of people
23. laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by: Yeah, one of my favourite things to do in the summer!
24. made a snow angel: Yeah, nice things
25. played dress up: it happens
26. cheated while playing a game: Nope.
27. been lonely: Yes, not too often, but yeah.
28. fallen asleep at work/school: Almost.
29. used a fake I.D.: Never ;)
30. felt an earthquake: no
31. touched a snake: Yes, they feel nice. But those things feel even nicer <3 (The ray, not the Barracuda)
32. ran a red light: Just as a pedestrian
33. had detention: School? At home? Everywhere.
34. been in a car accident: While sitting in the car, yes.
35. hated the way you cook: Hehe, no I don't. Because I leave the cooking to other people.
36. witnessed a crime: yes
37. been lost: Yes.
38. been to the opposite side of the country: Yes, my stepmom lives at the other side.
39. felt like dying: Jup.
40. cried yourself to sleep: It happens
41. played cops and robbers: Yes.
42. karaoke: Yeah I did. Not worth mentioning though...
43. done something you told yourself you wouldn't: who hasn't
44. laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose: Yes, thanks to my funny friends
45. caught a snowflake on your tongue: Yeah!
46. kissed in the rain: Uuhuh.
47. sang in the shower: every once and a while
48. made love in a park: :)
49. had a dream that you married someone: No
50. glued your hand to something: I did, but I unstuck it
51. got your tongue stuck to a flag pole: Nope
52. worn the opposite sex's clothes: Arjen's H&M clothes..
53. been a cheerleader: No
54. sat on a roof top: Yeah, with some friends.
55. talked on the phone all night: Jup, one of the best things to do if you can't sleep.
56. ever too scared to watch scary movies alone? Hehehe
57. played chicken fight: Whats that?
58. been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on: Jup (thanks to my lovely friends)
59. been told you're hot by a complete stranger: Yes I have.
60. broken a bone: Yeah, my ankle.
61. had a 3-some: Almost.
62. laugh so hard you cry: Yes, today in the plane. And before that, the "Mama" thingie.
64. cheated on a test: yes
65. forgotten someone's name: Dont think so.
66. killed a man: no
67. blacked out from drinking: Like, blacked out as in dont remember stuff? Yeah. Blacked out as in passed out, yes.
68. played a prank on someone: Last week. It made him cry, and when I told it was a joke, he cried because he was so happy it was only a joke...

100 questions

1. Name: Jantien
2. Middle Names: Nope.
3. Province: Zuid Holland
4. Place of Birth: Find out ;)
5. Zodiac Sign: Cancer
6. Male or Female: Female
7. Bus most commonly taken: I dont do the bus thing. But the last bus I took was from Dublin City Centre to Dublin Airport.
8. School: Zadkine
9. Occupation: Student (and computernerd ;))
10. Initials: JS
11. MSN Name: Jantien - Wil weer terug naar Ierland!

-Your Appearance-
12. Hair Color: Black, pink and blonde atm. Pink and black soon.
13. Hair Length: medium I guess... a little past my shoulders
14. Eye color: green/brownish
15. Best Feature: hmmmm I guess I'll go with eyes
16. Height: 181cm... (6 foot something?)
17. Braces: Not anymore.
18. Glasses: I should, but I dont.
19. Age: 19
20. Diploma: Swimming, typing..

-Your 'Firsts'-
22. First best friend: Christa.
23. First Award: De avondvierdaagse :')
24. First Sport You Joined: Ballet
25. First thing you did today: After I woke up, I read a book.
26. First Real vacation: France I think
27. First thing you said when you were a baby: Dunno... Mamma I think
28. First Love: David

- Favorites-
29. Movie: Mulan
30. TV Show: ATM... Project Runway. Overall, SATC and Friends.
32. Artist: Metallica
33. Place to shop: Cork!
34. Food: Salmon&creamcheese bagels.
35. Season: Spring
36. Candy: Chocolate mouse-thingies.
37. Sport: Dancing / horsebackriding
38. Restaurant: "Me moeder" (Rotterdam) and "Le Baron" (Almere)
39. Clothing: Jeans and some nice tee
40. Store: H&M, Donner
41. School Subject: Art
42. Animal: cats
43. Book: Chicklit (Cecilia Ahern, Lauren Weisberger)
44. Magazine: Elf Fantasy, Zoom!

45. Doing before you started this survey: Talking to Theo on MSN
47. Single or Taken: Taken
48. Crying about: Missing someone special
49. Eating: Nothing
50. Drinking: Water
53. Listening To: Music
54. Thinking About: Scented candles
55. Wanting: Money, something nice to eat
56. Watching: my computer screen

57. Where do you see yourself 5 years from now? Being in my last year of photography or journalism school
58. Kids?: Yes
59. Want to be Married: Yes
60. Careers in Mind: Maybe freelance

-Which is Better with the Opposite Sex-
63. Hair color: I usually like brunettes
64. Hair length: not too long
65. Eye color: Brown
66. Personality or Looks: Laid back personality
67. Cute or sexy: Both, sometimes even at the same time
68. Lips or Eyes: eyes :)
69. Hugs or Kisses: hugs
70. Short or Tall: Tall
72. Romantic or Spontaneous: Difficult... Both.
73. Good or Bad: Sometimes bad, usually good.
74. Sensitive or Loud: Depends, usually I'm quite loud myself, sometimes the need to pull the brake, sometimes they need to join in. But sensitive at all times.
75. Hook-up or Relationship: relationship!
76. Harley or Car: car
77. Trouble Maker or Hesitant One: Somewhere in between.

-Have you ever-
78. Kissed a stranger: Question already asked, I think.
79. Smoked: Too often.
80. Streaked: Once. But I'm still reminded about it... monthly.
81. Ran Away From Home: Yeah
82. Broken a bone: Blablabla
83. Got an X-ray: Jup
84. Got a broken bone: Again yes, hello repeat
85. Broke someones heart: yes it's happened
86. Dumped someone: yes i have...
87. Cried When Someone Died: yea
88. Cried At School: Not that I can remember.

-Do You Believe In-
89. God: Nope.
90. Miracles: Yes.
91. Love at First sight: Yeah.
92. Ghosts: yes
93. Aliens: yes
94. Soul Mates: Dont know.
95. Heaven: no
96. Hell: no
98. Kissing on The First Date: If it happens, it happens.
99. Horoscopes: No, but they can be sooo funny.

-Answer Truthfully-
100. Is there someone you're thinking about right now? Yes :)


FIRST REAL BEST FRIEND: Christa, and she is still my best friend. If there is 1 person who knows about me, its her.
FIRST SCHOOL: De Esch, Rotterdam.
FIRST FUNERAL: I think it was oom Piet.
FIRST PET: 2 cats, Daisy and Whisky. And they opened the fridge. Together. One would sit on top to loose the hook, the other one would sit in front of it and pull the door open.
FIRST FIGHT: To Newark Airport, New York.
FIRST CELEBRITY CRUSH: I dont know, I like some celeb, but dont think I ever had a real crush.
FIRST JOB: Kinda playground for kids.


LAST CAR RIDE: Tonight, when we drove home from the airport.
LAST TIME YOU CRIED?: Yesterdaynight, during a good conversation with someone.
LAST ITEM BOUGHT: Celtic knot necklace.
LAST SHIRT WORN: Green official Ireland rugby-girlie shirt.
LAST THING YOU TOUCHED: the keys on my computer typing up this thing...
LAST FUNERAL: A dear friend of mine.
LAST TIME AT THE MALL: Ppff, couple of weeks ago
LAST TIME YOU WERE EXCITED FOR SOMETHING: Last week, for Ireland. I wasnt excited to go home ;)

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