Title: I'll Do Anything For You (No, Really) [s/a]
meiloslytherRating: PG
Pairing: Rydon
POV: 3rd, Brendon-centric
Summary: Ryan gets sick and Brendon worries.
Word Count: 1,602
Disclaimer: If this happened, I want videos. But I highly doubt it, because it came from my brain, which is kind of cray-cray from all the word dust. So if you Googled
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Comments 38
I want all the fic about that interview! How were they so damn adorable? ♥ !
I'm reading this. NOW. I swear. And when I'm done I'm posting properly. I just wanted to mention how upset I am that I didn't see this sooner because I have no life and this would have MADE that shitty day I had the other day.
Let me just start with how absolutely adorable that was...I just...YOUARETHELOVEOFMAILIFE. T___T [tears of joy]
In all seriousness though, that was honestly adorable. It made my heart melt and spill all over the place. And it wasn't really all sappy and romantic, it was just 100% innocent and for some reason that just made it all that much cuter.
Also, I'm pretty sure I stumbled upon that interview last week when I was video-whoring. I was doing some research on my own stuff to make sure I had everything accurate but that's a different story. It's just kind of weird that I happened to find that and I had this brief thought that it would make a cute fic and HERE IT IS IN THE FLESH. I'm telling you. Either we're soulmates (brainmates?) or in some twisted way we got split at birth. (No, I am not fangirling. I'm just get a little excited sometimes. Don't judge.)
As much as I love fluff, I hate it when it's sappy. Romantic is okay, but it has to be done right. To me, this is romantic... maybe it's just me, but I'm weird, so.
Brainmates, I love that one. And fangirling getting excited is totally fine. I am the BIGGEST fanboy when I read a good fic, seriously. I flail and squee and all kinds of other embarrassing unmanly things that luckily no one ever sees. :D
I can do sappy, but only in small portions. At some point the happy sappy shit becomes too unrealistic and, as I've said before, I am the kind that likes to keep it as realistic as possible. Most of the time anyway. As for romantic, I can totally see how you would consider this romantic. Romanticism is about all of the little things, and if bringing Ryan Ross Mucinex is something that makes his heart skip a beat then I think that's worthy of being called romantic.
I coined the term, that is what we are. We are brainmates. But I think what you said made me laugh my face off a little bit. A guy flailing and making noises that should not be made is always amusing. And it makes me feel a little bit less humiliated that I fangirl so much. (Reading everything you've ever written is probably really fangirly though.)
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