So I ended up dressed as a maid, because that's the cheapest outfit I could find at the nearby Don Quijote (which apparently is one of the cheaper stores here).
Incriminating pictures are floating all over facebook, but ah, well what can you do? It was a Halloween party.
We almost missed our train coming back from Yokohama, which was frightening (cab rides here are prohibitively expensive), but luckily made it. Then once we got in we schlepped over for some midnight ramen because this is 'baba goddamit and ramen is king. It was delish too -- at some hole in the wall place where you can never see inside since it's always full of high schoolers and college kids. But it was 12:10am or so, so we got two seats at the counter and slurped happily. By the time we left another line had formed.
On other news, saw Paranormal Activity 3, and thought it was pretty good especially with the roaming cam innovation. The mythos is a little off though, I thought, so I'm not sure it meshed well with the other two.
Also--Work of Art owns my soul. Dude, there's this ass who calls himself 'the sucklord' on it. WTFforever. I loved the first season and the glimpse it gives into the artistic process of super eccentric individuals. This one is not disappointing thus far. Thumbs way up.
Tonight I'm planning on celebrating halloween by watching Don't Be Afraid of the Dark with some chuhai and sembe. Gangsta. Don't let me down, Guillermo.