Sessions attended: W-5 General Education Assessments: Practical Approaches to Enhance Conversations and Results
Keynote Address: Lumina
deep misgivings. Need to research this more
Plenary: Revised Criteria for Excellence
need to look at old standards, carefully read and critique new ones
Implementing MSCHE Expectations for Assessment
Check whether periodic program review in CAAH addresses SLOs
Check whether assessment is in self-report/progress report guidelines and in promotion packet materials
Contact Jackie and Dutchess CCC re;English Dept assessment plan
Is our sequencing right/ideal/effective?
How do you know? How do you show? EN 090 example of worst practices.
An Effective Solution to Meet Standard 14
Find template on disk/contact Rowan. There are categories we don't have that would be good to have.
Can we make it more accessible (in Banner, etc.?)
Emphasis on recording what we're already doing, and simply recording it in another place.
Using Gen Ed Assessment to Define Institutional Identity--never happened. Caught second half of Building a Sustainable System of Assessment
Aligning Curriculum and Assessment for Flexible Student Pathways
Send note to Nassim asking for Prezi she used.
Really explore the notion of Assessment Ambassadors, certificate, symbol, etc.
*Closing Plenary: Rethinking Accreditation for Competency-Based Education
*Building Program-Level Assessments without Burdening Faculty
MV challenges:
Qualitative v. Quantitative false dilemma
Faculty who are data averse
culture that is" external transparency" averse
culture that claims to embrace "community" while being, actually, proprietary and territorial
few physical/monetary resources to support promising initiatives
Center model, as being used by those units, is problematic for some faculty-driven assessment models/goals/initiatives