I spent the most of this day reading old issues of NME in the dark and writing notes about my experience of no power for a day.
What great great fun. I got there before anyone I was meeting, so then these nice girls Hannah and Kate asked me to join them. They were really friendly. Robyn showed up and the Russell came out!
I don't know why my head looks so huge. I asked him what conditioner he uses and then he replied in his charming English accent, "Oh, I just use whatever is in the hotel." Eventually Joey and David showed up with their super metro stylish friend Dan. He told a good story about when he was drunk at 4 PM on Yonge and Eglington.
We eventually got in a Sebastien Grainger's new band was on first. They were OK. There were a couple of songs you could groove to. Albert Hammond Jr. was sooo good! There was an army of us, seven strong, dancing and singing and swaying the night away.
We're an odd collection.
Dan and Joey being fake gay.
Dan being Italian, Joey being Jewish
Hannah + Robyn + Terrifying Monkey Man in the BG
Everyone's favourite Hebrew Hammer doin' what he does best.
They played lots of great songs in between bands, which led to a lot of us having dancing and sing-alongs.
Bloc Party came on and it was absolutely amazing. The best was when they played 'SRXT' and there was this huge white light behind them. It gave me chills. Another beautiful moment was when Russell and I had an extended smiling stare-off for a long period of time. It was so good everyone around me notice and was pulling the classic "CRUSHES!" bizzniss. Then at the very end Russell reached over to me and handed me the setlist. Cue heart-melting girl noises.
Monday (or today)
I woke up at 6:30 AM, after going to bed at 2. The competition went really well. We didn't have hardly any technical issues. We were also the only one's who did a narrative vs. a documentary. The judges didn't have anything bad to say. Yuh yuh.
Highlight from today was when the teacher from Erin high school called the tripod shoe a "cameltoe". Ms. Brady had to pull him aside to explain to him what he was saying. He exclaimed, "It's not a Universal term!"
"Yeah, pretty sure it is."
"Wow, I'm embarassed."