Lets just say for shits and giggles, you lose your sanity for a moment and go out with her to do the nasty. If she upgraded her standing to include one night stands without investing in a relationship, what happens the next day at work? Will she continue to be "friends" or will she upgrade her status to "girlfriend" without you getting the memo?
Obviously she had built up the idea in her own mind that you were on complete hiatus from any intimate relations, including one-nighters, while you were working towards being able to date somebody on a regular basis. She's obviously very into you, and admittedly turned on by you, but she's unwilling to do anything about unless she has some sort of assurance that you're potentially in it for the long haul. The idea that other people might be getting to experience an level of intimacy with you that she has denied herself is making her feel angry and jealous, and she's taking it out on you. I think she needs a time-out in the corner for a while before she's allowed to play with the grown-ups anymore.
Comments 15
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I told her I was poly too, so even that shouldna made a difference...
I'm a freak magnet...what am I doing to attract them??
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