I had a rather unpleasant encounter with baby Lestange a couple of days ago. What happened is unimportant, but as usual with his sort, he tried the good old-fashioned "intimidate and threaten" route.
I am sick and tired of Death Eaters walking in the open, getting away of all sorts of atrocities, all under the guise of being upstanding members of society. Caradoc's disappearance is still unsolved, and while it's plain to all of us what happened, you can't convince me that the DE's at the Ministry haven't tied up the case in ten miles of red tape. Meanwhile, in this matter, as with others, the good citizens of Britain are becoming more and more afraid, terrorized into thinking that the only way through is under the aegis of Voldemort.
We need to show them that we are not afraid, that we will not succumb to their tactics of terror, and to show the people who walk Diagon that they have no need to fear, that fear only serves the purpose of Voldemort and his followers. The number of people who espouse his views are few, I believe, or he would have no need to conduct his hidden campaign. Fear has paralyzed the people who would rise against him; if they did, they would see that little could stop them.
I have no official capacity to act, unlike our friends in the Auror Department, but I'm also not going to sit around anymore, waiting for the Death Eaters to strike first. I may not be able to do much, but I plan make their lives as difficult as possible. I plan to annoy, bother, ridicule and harass to the best of my ability, and to expose their deeds to the public, to put a face on the people behind the masks. Let the public see these people for who they really are, and to recognize that they are stoppable. If any Death Eaters misstep because of my actions, then all the better. I'm sure those of you in official capacities will be right there to scoop them up.
Whoever wants to join me in this can send me an owl, and we'll talk.