When is 'enough' enough? To add to all the questions already asked, I’ll ask a few more.
I have come to the conclusion that everyone is bound to die alone. Just as elephants leave the herd to die away from their young, and cats crawl under something, we too push ourselves away to soften the blow for those we love. Even if a person has never been kind, generous, or fair their entire lives, I believe there is a piece of true love inside them that forces them to push everyone away.
This reminds me of relationships. How right before it ends, we seem to push away from those we care for to soften the blow. No matter if we love them, care for them, or like them, we have enough kindness to try and ease it for them. Don’t we? Sometimes, however, we carry a ghost. A memory of a past relationship, which failed. We carry these images and expectations with us to try and re-make what we once had. The true test of character is to forget what we learned, and to forget what we hold. Each time we meet someone, even in passing, we need to give them the same chance that we gave the ghost. My goal for my life is to always keep that naive innocence when meeting someone new.