
Oct 04, 2007 15:55

Pairing: Ennis/Jack
Rating: PG-13 to NC-17 (Warning: violence !)
Summary: AU_AU. With this story I wanted to dive in the dark side of Brokeback Mountain. I wanted to experiment with fear, uncertainty and doubt. Ennis and Jack meet each other in the modern time.
Dedication: This story is dedicated to my German beta tanzmaeusi, who encouraged me to write this ( Read more... )

obscurity (in english)

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Comments 33

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mel0804 October 9 2007, 18:10:09 UTC
Hi Kathy,
yes, it was hard to write - but such a safety valve to let out the stress I felt during this time... ;-).
I just started a new story - also a dark one - and it's the perfect sedativum for me... believe it or not :-))



lalaynia October 4 2007, 15:54:55 UTC

I just started this story too. You've certainly whetted my imagination. These two need each other so badly, and yet I think I see some prior connections that could mess things up. That is, if they ever let anything get started!

Please keep going with this story. And your betas rock!



mel0804 October 9 2007, 18:11:43 UTC
You are right... It will become a little bit messy - but it's necessary so that they both can escape from their own prison they feel in their hearts.


samtyr October 4 2007, 16:57:45 UTC
This is a great fic you have here. I'm especially enjoying the setting in a large city besides the usual ones like New York and Los Angeles. It's very dark but I am hoping now that the boys have finally met things will move faster. I can't wait to read your next chapter. Thank you so much for sharing this.


mel0804 October 9 2007, 18:13:09 UTC
Things will definitely move faster from now on. And you will see beside the darc and depressing there's a tender love growing... ;-)


bri_the_bug October 4 2007, 20:17:58 UTC
wow. die ff gefällt mir richtig gut :) ist mal was anderes.
würde die gerne auf deutsch lesen, aber da ist mir nicht gestattet. vielleicht kannst du das ja ändern. wäre super, will doch so gerne weiter lesen :)

lg rike


mel0804 October 4 2007, 21:02:20 UTC
Gerne - sollte jetzt klappen ;-).
Obscurity auf Deutsch ist bereits beendet, du kannst es also in einem Rutsch durchlesen ;-)


bbm_citygirl October 4 2007, 20:44:22 UTC
I am so glad you updated. I am just enthralled by your story, it is dark and the boys are just so sad but it seems that they would be so very good for each other. I can't wait to see how their friendship develops.


mel0804 October 9 2007, 18:13:56 UTC
Yes, they are good for each other and they will develop this very soon.


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