I got tagged from
elmasageng , this my first meme ... I've got tagged many times, but always forget to answer it...(gomene *_* )
Then the rules are..
a. People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blog and replace any question that they dislike with a new, original question.
b. Tag eight people.
1. Where did your LJ handle come from?
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Comments 6
ah gila gue jg di-tag sm si emi!! PR doonk?! wkwkwkwkk,,
and i'd love to go on a holiday with you beb! let's go on a very far far vacation!! :D :D :D
Iyah, emi tagged-in elo jg kan? berarti elo kudu,wajib,ngisi nih meme..
Holiday with you?? yah...elo lagi, elo lagi !! *runnn* xD
Hehe, gw jg mau deh de,vacation ma elo..ngumpulin uangnya dulu yah ^^
ah..I got tagged...actually I'm lazy in doing meme.. (uda banyak di-tag tapi ga pernah gue kerjain LOL)
but I'll try to do it later XDDDDDD.
Sbnernya gw jg rada males kalo meme, tp skrg pengen juga ngisi2 beginian...xD
ini gw juga tumben2an ngerjain ginian.. ^o^
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